The #1 fan of obscure female supervillains you've probably never heard of.
SNEAK PEEK! Years ago, Dr. Strange helped save the life of the Enchantress’s firstborn. Here’s our preview for STRANGE ACADEMY: THE DEATH OF DOCTOR STRANGE #1 by @skottieyoung @DeadlyMike @m7781 #ClaytonCowles! @Marvel On sale 10/27!
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! The King in Black begins a new adventure in this preview of VENOM #1 by @Al_Ewing @therightram @THEBRYANHITCH @Manwithapencil @Sinccolor and #ClaytonCowles! @Marvel On sale 10/27!
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Deathstroke and his team confront Cyborg Superman in space in this preview of DEATHSTROKE INC. #2 by @Williamson_Josh @MrHowardPorter @hificolor and @swands! @DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Sad news for Checkmate’s 300-year-old secret church headquarters in this preview of CHECKMATE #5 by @BRIANMBENDIS @alexmaleev @Dragonmnky and @jrlettering! @DCComics On sale 10/26!
DetailsWonder Woman #1 – Wonder Woman Day Special Edition
Rebirth was kind to Wonder Woman and her supporting cast & rogues gallery, so let’s revisit how it all started in the Wonder Woman Day Special #1 by #GregRucka @LiamRSharp #LauraMartin & #JodiWynne! @DCComics
DetailsNubia & The Amazons #1
Nubia & The Amazons #1 is a delightful prelude to the Trial of the Amazons as Nubia searches for the next Champion of Doom’s Doorway. @Steph_I_Will @definitelyvita @ariotstorm @mark_morales11 @emannland @becca_see #DCComics #WonderWoman
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: Fear State continues and Anti-Oracle gloats to Batgirl and Nightwing in this preview for NIGHTWING#85 (on sale 10/19!) by @TomTaylorMade #RobbiRodriguez @fxstudiocolor and #WesAbbott! @DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: It’s time to journey back to Diana’s early years in this preview of Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana Special #1 by @haleshannon @Halespawn #JordieBellaire @PlinaGanucheau @kendallgoode and @Becca_See! @DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: Let’s journey back to an ancient war in this preview for Green Lantern #7, on sale 10/19! @DCComics @GeoffThorne @TomRaney_art @MSantucciArt
DetailsPower Rangers #12
Everything seems hopeless for Trini, Zack and Jason in Power Rangers #12 from @boomstudios @ThatRyanParrott @FranzMortarino @AnguloRaul and @eDukeDW. Better grab those tissues while you can!
DetailsWonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana Special #1
Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana by @RedCube_Studio @PlinaGanucheau @kendallgoode and @Becca_See is a perfect entryway for younger Wonder Woman fans to explore the magical world of Themyscira! @DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Jace Fox ponders fear as he tracks down a group of criminals in this preview of #DCComics’ I AM BATMAN#2 by #JohnRidley @StephenSegovia @RexLokus @troypeteri @DCComics #Batman