Doomsday Clock #7: When the Man Comes Around
Doomsday Clock #7
Doctor Manhattan is here and parts of his agenda revealed, but at what cost? Doomsday Clock finally finds its footing in this latest issue!
DetailsDoomsday Clock #7
Doctor Manhattan is here and parts of his agenda revealed, but at what cost? Doomsday Clock finally finds its footing in this latest issue!
DetailsHeroes in Crisis #1
SPOILERS AHEAD: The bodies stack up and the mystery is underway. Who committed the Sanctuary Massacre, but more importantly, why?
DetailsAnother sad day in the industry as prolific Spanish artist Carlos Ezquerra loses his battle with lung cancer at 70 years old.
DetailsBatman: Damned #1
Lost amidst the landmark news of DC’s latest “First Appearance”, Batman: Damned #1 also delivers a supernatural mystery that is exquisitely rendered from a superstar team of creators.
DetailsCaptain America Annual #1
Tini Howard (Power Rangers: Pink, Rick&Morty) delivers a straight-forward Captain America and Bucky World War II story in her first Marvel work.
DetailsA significant shake-up to Fox’s schedule pushes back several release dates, while also making room for a potentially PG-13 release of ‘Deadpool 2’.
DetailsJoin us here at Comic Watch for our 2nd episode of “Comic Watchers,” where we discuss everything from the Spidey game to the infamous Batawang!
DetailsThe CW television network has announced that this Winter’s crossover will be named ‘Elseworlds’ and will feature LaMonica Garrett as The Monitor.
DetailsThe industry mourns another incredible creator as Norm Breyfogle, prominently known for his work on Batman, passes.
DetailsRob Liefield, superstar/notorious creator of Cable and Deadpool, is set to do a huge X-Men crossover in 2019.
DetailsAfter a long tenure with Dark Horse Comics, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics license finds a new home at BOOM! Studios.
DetailsABC taps Allan Heinberg, the screen writer for Wonder Woman, to head up a female driven MCU project on ABC.