?Adapt what is Useful, Reflect what is Useless, and Apply what is Specifically your Own.-ComicWatch Press Team Leader.

First Watch: Diggle and Segovia Usher in a Staggering New Beginning for Valiant’s Shadowman!

Valiant is proud to present a brand-new look inside Shadowman #1, the first issue of the highly anticipated new ongoing series by superstar writer Andy Diggle (Green Arrow: Year One, Daredevil) and high-octane artist Stephen Segovia (Action Comics)! On March 28th, Fear of the Dark, the fearsome first strike in Diggle’s two-year master plan for Valiant’s supernatural icon starts as Jack Boniface emerges from the Deadside and returns to the haunted city of his youth, New Orleans, to head off the coming of a terrible new threat that will irreparably scar the Valiant Universe in its wake…


DC Comics in D.C on MLK Weekend!

“DC in D.C.” brings together stars and producers from Warner Bros. Television’s DCTV series, as well as comic book writers and artists from DC Entertainment, who will join invited guests from politics, government service, entertainment, business, academia and more.  The event will explore the intersection of comic books, culture, entertainment, and enlightenment through a series of panel discussions open to the public.  


The Ninja Programme (NINJA-K #1 Comic Review)

For over a century, MI6 has honed an elite branch of assassins, ruthlessly effective,  as well crafted as a Hattori Hanzo sword, the last line of defense, the most well trained shadow army in existence, the Ninja Programme.  Now, an enemy from within is making lethal moves, and Ninja-k, aka Colin King, a fearless instrument of death, must locate and annihilate this threat before all is lost. 


The Phoenix Chronicles Book 1

In the Marvel Universe, the Phoenix Force reigns supreme, a power that dwarfs the combined might of the X-Men, the Avengers and most of Marvel’s heroes, the Phoenix stands among the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe.  ComicWatch takes a look at some of the most popular hosts to this cosmic Phoenix force, and give you a brief synopsis on each!
