Adventureman #7: Weird Weird West
Adventureman #7
Gunslingers and Ghosts shine bright in Adventureman #7 from Matt Fraction, @TerryDodsonArt Rachel Dodson, Clayton Cowles and @ImageComics
DetailsAdventureman #7
Gunslingers and Ghosts shine bright in Adventureman #7 from Matt Fraction, @TerryDodsonArt Rachel Dodson, Clayton Cowles and @ImageComics
DetailsWriter @DanSlott fulfills a life long dream of writing the Doctor in a series of upcoming Doctor Who one-shot, partnering with @ChrisJonesArt on a story about the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones, from @ComicsTitan this upcoming April.
DetailsNewburn #2
One of the most difficult tightropes to walk in any type of fiction is the control of information. Too much information presented at once can cause an audience member’s eyes to glaze and call to mind the dullest of technical manuals. Too little information, and it’s like being dropped into the night without a light,…
DetailsThe new AFTERSHOCK COMICS newsletter promises Triple Threats, Heathens and more Monsters to fill out the December comic calendar.
DetailsThe Silver Coin #7
With The Silver Coin #7 @Mister_Walsh @therightram @toni_mariegriff and @ImageComics hit the horror jackpot, blending superb writing, stunning visuals and transcendent colors to ascend the Tzompanco and reveal a little more about the titular coin.
DetailsCrossover #10
Some special guests drop by as Crossover from @KlcPress @GeoffShaw12 @deezoid and @JohnJHill Powers through its second arc, and closer to the possible mastermind behind the death of comic creators.
DetailsOnce & Future #22
To blow up, or not blow up, the lion with a rocket launcher, that is the question posed by @kierongillen @Danmora_c @TBonvillain and @eDukeDW in Once & Future #22.
DetailsThat Texas Blood #12
With That Texas Blood #12, @ChristophCondon and @jacobr_phillips close the book on the near perfect arc of “Eversaul, 1981” and teases an equally dark future for Joe Bob and Ambrose County. @ImageComics
DetailsDC vs. Vampires #2
With a striking second issue, DC vs. Vampires #2, from @ReadTinyOnion, @AshcanPress, @OttoSchmidt72 and @TENapolitano delivers one of the most compelling Hal Jordan/Barry Allen moments in recent memory.
DetailsClear #2
Echoing George Washington, we cannot tell a lie when saying the drop-dead gorgeous Clear #2 from @Ssnyder1835 @FrancisManapul and @andworlddesign might just be one of the best issues you’ll read this year.
DetailsIt’s DC vs. Vampires: Dawn of Batfam in this sneak preview for DC vs. Vampires #2 from #DCComics @ReadTinyOnion @AshcanPress @OttoSchmidt72
DetailsAdventureman #6
The past races to meet present as more pulp heroes awaken in Adventureman #6 from Matt Fraction, @TerryDodsonArt , Rachel Dodson and Clayton Cowles .