The End of the World As We Know It (Royals #12 Comic Review)
Didn’t love this issue of Royals, felt like a step in the wrong direction. What did you think?
DetailsDidn’t love this issue of Royals, felt like a step in the wrong direction. What did you think?
DetailsCan Booster Gold stop the Man of Steel from destroying the timeline?
DetailsSigners of a petition for a Zack Snyder Cut may have been dissapointed today. Did you sign?
DetailsThis issue of Michael Cray felt like a step down, what did you think?
DetailsMan what an issue! What a book! Robert Venditti has done it again!
DetailsElsewhere is a beautifully drawn and executed alternate universe story, set in a fantastic world with flesh eating bugs, dragons and flying rocks. The story follows a couple Korvathians who find a mysterious figure dangling from a tree…
DetailsRagman has been unbelievable, anybody pick it up this week? #comicwatch #iamawatcher
DetailsHello again Watchers! It’s time for another edition of ANCIENT HISTORY! The only comic review series in this town (or any town!) that reviews classic comics based on your suggestions! Have a classic comic (pre-1980) that you love and want me to review? Tell me so in the comments, or private message me (John Jack)…
DetailsThe John Wick Creative team is attached to adapt Image’s stellar crime series.
DetailsThe actress shared a photo on Instagram, what are your thoughts?
DetailsAncient History #3! Super-villian Team-Up (Or beat-down) #silverandgold #ancienthistory
DetailsAftershock Comics has announced a new anthology, what do you think?