War of the Realms Omega #1: A Polished Turd
War of the Realms Omega #1
War of the Realms Omega resolves nothing and leaves loose ends loose on the tail end of Marvel’s spring event.
DetailsWar of the Realms Omega #1
War of the Realms Omega resolves nothing and leaves loose ends loose on the tail end of Marvel’s spring event.
DetailsThe Green Lantern #9
In The Green Lantern #9, Hal Jordan visits a world of swords and sorcery in order to stop a magical intrusion. But the incursion has other plans!
DetailsWar of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #4-5
Journey into Mystery, it’s over. Rejoice
DetailsWar of the Realms: Superior Spider-man #8
Otto teams up with some heavy hitters to try and end the War of the Realms!
DetailsWar of the Realms: Tony Stark Iron Man #13
Tony Stark faces off against Sadurang on the ashes of Wall Street!
DetailsWar of the Realms: Punisher #3
Frank franks frank versus the frank franks. Also Trolls and such. Frank.
DetailsWar of the Realms: Thor #14
A Young Thor begins to realize what it means to be worthy in the final battle of the War of the Realms
DetailsWar of the Realms: The Uncanny X-men #3
Matt Rosenberg’s killing spree continues in the final issue of his War of the Realms tie in mini.
DetailsAquaman #49
Arthur finds out the true nature behind his death thanks to Mother Shark!
DetailsWar of the Realms #6
The War of the Realms ends with a team up for the ages! The Thor Corps!
DetailsRed Hood Outlaw #35
Red Hood goes up against a blast from the past, Essence!
DetailsGuardians of the Galaxy #6
The Guardians come face to face with the new Thanos, which is neat.