God broke the mold when he made me...A word can be something difficult something understanding something hated something loved something dreaded something encouraging something specialA journey can begin with but a single word...imagine what you could do with another!!!#lifelessons #Itry
Rogue sits anxiously at the bar, while a sore loser picks a fight with the wrong Mutant. Plus: a stowaway! Special Guest Jason Siegel joins us for the discussion. Join us as we go way back to the year 2000 for the X-Men’s first feature film!
DetailsRogue arrives in the teeming metropolis that is Loughlin City, and we meet Wolverine as he wins yet another cage match. Join us as we go way back to the year 2000 for the X-Men’s first feature film!
DetailsJean Gray addresses a Congressional Hearing on Mutants, but Senator Kelly’s mind is already made up. Our Uncanny Guest this episode is Scott Carelli from the Spider-Man Minute.
DetailsIn the quiet town of Meridian, Mississippi, a first kiss puts Rogue on a path that will place her at the center of the battle between humans and mutants. Join us as we go way back to the year 2000 for the X-Men’s first feature film!
DetailsJoin co-hosts Thomas Howeth, Steve Lastoe, and Gerry O’Brian as they X-pound, X-trapolate, and X-plore the very nature of the X-Men films. Join them weekly via fun podcasts found on their website, or here on Comic Watch!
DetailsTeam Flash conspires against DeVoe with the aid of a retired villainess, Amunet Black; Harry consults a league, a counsel if you may, or Harry’s to come up with a solution to his intelligence problem. The results?…Not great.
DetailsCo-hosts Thomas Howeth, Steve Lastoe, and Gerry O’Brian as they X-pound, X-trapilate, and X-plore the very nature of the X-Men films. Join them weekly via fun podcasts found on their website, or here on Comic Watch!
DetailsThe Thinker and his ever-loving wife take the next step to the Enlightenment. Team Flash, distracted with Harry’s declining metal state, what is the Enlightenment, and more importantly, will Team Flash be able to stop it?
DetailsBarry copes with emotional trauma. Team Flash mourns the loss of a team member, a friend, and a hero. The Thinker is out to get one more bus meta, one detained for his radioactive tendencies. Team Flash’s fight is far from over!
DetailsAvengers was a big step into a bigger world. Fans everywhere blew their tops in excitement and love for the first film. Ultron vs. the Avengers, a spectacle? A trash hole? An overall fair movie? Really depends on who you are.
DetailsTeam Flash runs in way over their heads; a way into the Thinker’s lair? You bet. But, what will happen when they take this chance to exploit their enemy? Will Barry take advantage of this knowledge? Or, maybe a more important question…why is Harry being weird, and will Joe investigate instead of actually going out and doing real police work? Yes…yes, and yes!
DetailsThis week on the Flash, one of the final three bus metas makes herself known, and Team Flash is on it. Though, with ridiculous sub-plots and cringe-worthy acting, humor, etc. this episode, though full of laughs and kicks, falls short below the previous. The Flash rises to the occasion in this episode, but will the show fall short from here on out?