God broke the mold when he made me...A word can be something difficult something understanding something hated something loved something dreaded something encouraging something specialA journey can begin with but a single word...imagine what you could do with another!!!#lifelessons #Itry
Sometimes heroes aren’t born, they’re made. Or their DNA has switched around and given abilities for an episode. Either way, Iris becomes something more for Team Flash, and for herself. A bus meta trying to help people by taking powers from dangerous metas accidentally switches Barry and Iris’s DNA, granting Iris the speed of the Flash. Will she be enough to protect Star City?
DetailsRun Barry, Run. But, sometimes running isn’t the answer. Barry is faced with unpredictable, unstable odds when a nuclear fusion bomb is detonated, and he is forced to find a way to stop it before it blows. With help from Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick, they stretch seconds into minutes, trying to save the city.…
DetailsThe Flash had its hand and played it foolishly last week, but this week’s episode has redeemed its predecessor.
DetailsWhat happens when the Mom of Team Flash develops barely explained abilities? Or when a man who can shrink things at will goes looking for trouble and Team Flash runs to the rescue? Or when Barry Allen finds a friend in a lonely stage of his life…only to ultimately lose them? Find out in this (barely) exciting, (not) thrilling, and light-as-air episode of the Flash!
Details“WHERE’S THE TRICKSTER?! WHERE IS HE!” …See what I did there? A little Christian Bale humor for you, due to the very nodding title of this episode. Though tonight, there were no big-time heroes coming to the rescue. There was no caped crusader or scarlet speedster…but there was a stretchy man. Stretch Armstrong? Bendy? We want to call him what he is but it’s so hard! Barry imprisoned calls the Elongated knight to the rescue for the citizens of Star City, but what about this Trickster? Team Flash is holding their own, but with Ralph Dibney taking the spotlight, it is unknown how they will manage.
Details The Flash on trial. Recent events have plucked the Scarlet Speedster from Star City and landed him on the bench of a courtroom. Team Flash suffering from Barry’s choice to turn himself in for the supposed murder or Clifford DeVoe. The hammer will come down, but what shall the verdict be? The Flash -“The…
DetailsLooks like Team Flash is in over their heads. A team member captured and held hostage, while the hero himself is playing cat and mouse with the dubious Thinker. Iris is put to the challenge when everything depends on her, and her choice of who Team Flash should save. Caitlin, or the Flash?