I have been reading comics since I was eleven - over a quarter-century! I love them as an art form as well as the characters, and want to see them continue to grow as a respectable medium. It's my humble honor and privilege to act as editor-in-chief of Comic Watch!
NEWS WATCH! Industry legend FRANK MILLER launches new publishing venture FRANK MILLER PRESENTS with DAN DIDIO as publisher! @FrankMillerInk #FrankMillerPresents #SinCity #Ronin #DanDidio
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! #Riddler is back and riddling on a whole new level in @DCComics DETECTIVE COMICS #1059, on sale 4/26! #Batman #DCComics @marikotamaki @Nadia_Shammas_ @SinaGrace #IvanReis @DannyMiki_ @DavidALapham #BradAnderson @trishm @Commend_Airy #RobLeigh
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! It’s revolution on Warworld in @DCComics’ ACTION COMICS #1042, on sale 4/26! #Superman #DCComics @PhillipKJohnson @shawnaldridge @RicFederici #LeeLoughridge @hificolors #DaveSharpe
DetailsNEWS WATCH! @MarvelUnlimited Launches new Who Is..? series TODAY, 4/20, starting with #ScarletWitch & #AmericaChavez by all-star creators @thesteveorlando @RyeHickman @br_peer @alex_segura #CarlosGomez & @BryanValenza! #MarvelComics @Marvel
DetailsNEWS WATCH! SHADOW WAR ZONE highlights the ripple effect of #Deathstroke’s war for survival after being framed for Ra’s Al Ghul’s murder! #Batman #DCComics @DCComics @edbrisson @Williamson_Josh @Sweeney_Boo @OttoSchmidt72 @Nadia_Shammas_ @Steph_Smash
DetailsADVANCED REVIEW! A brand-new era of grandeur launches in @Marvel’s CAPTAIN AMERICA #0! Hard questions are asked – can two Captains America answer any of the questions? @cpkelly @JacksonLanzing @TochiTrueStory @MattiaIulis #MarvelComics #CaptainAmerica
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! @DCComics’ NICE HOUSE ON THE LAKE #8 is on sale Tuesday, 4/19 everywhere! Don’t miss the latest chapter in the comic everyone is talking about! #DCComics #DCBlackLabel @JamesTheFourth @AMartinezBueno #JordieBellaire @andworlddesign
DetailsNEWS WATCH! #ComicWatch’s own CODY WHITE Promotes to marketing role at VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT! #StayValiant @ValiantEntertainment
DetailsNEWS WATCH! @Marvel’s X-TERMINATORS IS BACK TO BRING GRINDHOUSE TO THE WORLD OF THE @XMEN! #MarvelComics @mymonsterischic @nemafromspain
DetailsImage30 Chapter 14: Comics’ so-called Dark Age came to an abrupt close as ASTRO CITY shone a little light on the grim & gritty aesthetic! @ImageComics #ImageComics @KurtBusiek @BrentEA @thealexrossart #AstroCity
DetailsNEWS WATCH! JUDGEMENT DAY stomps the @Marvel Universe this JULY, and the #XMen, #Avengers, & #Eternals are caught in a desperate war for survival! #MarvelUniverse #AXEJudgementDay
DetailsNEWS WATCH! @Marvel launches ALL-OUT AVENGERS this fall, with all-out action like never before! #MarvelComics #Avengers @DerekLandy #GregLand