I have been reading comics since I was eleven - over a quarter-century! I love them as an art form as well as the characters, and want to see them continue to grow as a respectable medium. It's my humble honor and privilege to act as editor-in-chief of Comic Watch!
SNEAK PEEK! The future and present collide on the eve of the GREAT DARKNESS in @DCComics’ JUSTICE LEAGUE vs. LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #1, on sale 1/11! By @BRIANMBENDIS @scottygod #RyanCody @daveLsharpe #DCComics #JusticeLeague #Legion
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! What happens when you mess with Texas? The Clown Prince of Crime isn’t afraid to find out in @DCComics’ THE JOKER #11, on sale 1/11! By @JamesTheFourth @DipsOff #GiuseppeCamuncoli @BelenOrtega_ & more! #DCComics #Joker
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! In @DCComics’ BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS #11, #Zatanna, Ace the Bat-Hound, the Wight Witch, & Eternity take center stage! On sale 1/11! By @definitelyvita @therightram @manruss @BlckPorcedlain @swands @nickfil @an_anandrk & more! #Batman
DetailsNEWS WATCH: The Deadliest #Hulk in @Marvel’s History Emerges in HULK #6, on sale 4/20! A new titan rises that will smash Hulk mythos to its core! @doncates @RyanOttley #Marvel
DetailsNEWS WATCH: NEW TEAM OF MUTANTS FORMS TO PROTECT KRAKOA IN LEGION OF X! @sispurrier & @Janbazaldua67’s HOT follow-up to #WayofX hits stands on 4/20/22! @Marvel #Marvel #XMen #DestinyOfX #LegionOfX
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! The depredations of #Darkseid continue to reverberate throughout the multiverse in @DCComics’ JUSTICE LEAGUE INCARNATE #3, on sale 1/4! @Williamson_Joshua @dennisculver #ArielOlivetti #NikVerella @ToddNauck @mikeljanin @hificolor @TENapolitano
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! The mystery of Abyss deepens in @DCComics BATMAN #119, on sale 1/4! By @Williamson_Josh @jorge_molinam @Adr_Ben @mikeljanin @tomeu_morey #ClaytonCowles #Batman @theDCnation
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! SHADOWS OF THE BAT begins in @DCComics’ DETECTIVE COMICS #1047, on sale 1/4! Arkham Tower has risen, but what dark secrets does it hold?! Find out as the weekly epic begins from @marikotamaki @AshcanPress #Ivan Reis & @FdoBlanco #Batman
DetailsDevil’s Reign #2
Devil’s Reign #2 mines rich narrative themes of corruption, abuse of public trust, and money in politics to great effect. Don’t be fooled by the “event comic” tag – this is a story worth your time, money, and consideration. @Marvel @Zdarsky @MChecC @Menyz #ClaytonCowles
DetailsFlash #777 (Adams, Pasarin, Ryan, Cox, Leigh) tries to do a little too much, and falls just short of its aims because of it. But hey! This comic is still beautiful!
DetailsCOMIC WATCHERS SHOW e0152: #SpiderManNoWayHome, #Hawkeye, and Holiday Adult Libations! @CWatchersShow
DetailsHappy Holidays from us all at Comic Watch!