Amazing Spider-Man #25: Kindred Spirits
Spider-Man! Kindred! Mysterio! Mary Jane! Everybody’s here for this extra-sized anniversary issue!
DetailsSpider-Man! Kindred! Mysterio! Mary Jane! Everybody’s here for this extra-sized anniversary issue!
DetailsRevolution on Apokolips! Will the patriarchy fall, or will Barda and her Furies get slapped down for stepping out of line?
DetailsLook out, NYC! Frank Castle is back – but is even the Punisher enough to handle the titanic team-up of Baron Zemo and the Kingpin? And what ace does Zemo have up his sleeve?
DetailsDon’t call her “Superman’s wife!” She’s the best journalist on the planet, and she’s uncovering the giant Russian conspiracy to prove it… if it doesn’t get her killed!
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DetailsThe dust from “Hunted” has settled… but before Spidey can get too much domestic bliss, the next big threat is right around the corner!
DetailsCzarnian paternity tests abound as Crush at last comes face-to-fist with her father, the Main Man himself, LOBO!
DetailsWolverine: Infinity Watch #5
Wolverine and Loki’s Excellent Adventure comes to… well, an end, at the very least.
DetailsThe Punisher has survived a plane crash! Can anything stop him? Is anyone dumb enough to try? What do YOU think?!