A devoted anime fan since the young age of 7 and the first time Goku yelled, "Kamehameha," I was hooked. While moving forward to the world of animes and mangas. The weekends turning into binge days and nights of many animes that I could have until my dreams began to turn into anime. The very obsession for One Piece started and became my life, however, I would never deny my many other favorite animes that span from InuYasha to My Hero Academia. You may follow my obsession of anime on my twitter @mimilyzeth
Recently, @animejujutsu officially announced the #JujutsuKaisen movie ‘Blinding Darkness’ with @MappaStudios coming back on animation. There is so much to unpack and so many questions to be answered! #weeb #otaku #anitwt @Crunchyroll @Jujutsu_Kaisen_
DetailsSCARLET NEXUS is breaking through the gaming world and smashing right into #anime as these two communities collide together this Summer. Will they both survive the new adaption of #ScarletNexus? #game #otaku #anitwt @Funimation @scarlet_nexus
DetailsThough #InternationWomensDay may have ended, we are now celebrating Women’s History Month! @FUNimation and @queensgg with @kayladelancey @EricaNagashima @Maid_of_might and many more have plenty of festivities planned starting today! Don’t miss out!
DetailsThe conclusion of #AttackonTitan is near and @AnimeWatchCW is counting down the episodes and getting ready for what we knew was coming all along! Here is our reaction to the new season 4 finale trailer revealed by @Crunchyroll! #Anime
DetailsThe announcement of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel new #anime adaption is going to be an exciting one for otaku gamers. The anime co-produced by @FUNimation, is slated to come out in 2022, enough time to replay the game one more time!
DetailsWhat has happened to “Gearless” Joe since the ending of season one of #Megalobox? These new visuals show that the path of boxing has taken a toll on Joe, for now, he is known as… NOMAD! Get ready for MEGALOBOX 2: NOMAD #anime on @FUNimation this Spring!
DetailsThe final 12 episodes of #Pokemon Journeys The Series are now available on #Netflix, you can watch the trailer on #Youtube to see the adventures of Ash, Pikachu, and Goh as this chapter is closing for now. @Pokemon
DetailsViolet Evergaden the Movie, the touching finale to Kyoto Animation’s beautiful #anime series #VioletEvergarden presented in Japanese (English subtitles) will release in select theaters in the U.S. and in Canada on March 30 from @FUNimation!
DetailsPokemon has announced a new album with @JBALVIN @KATYPERRY @POSTMALONE and many more who will be collaborating together to celebrate #Pokemon25! @Pokemon #Pokemon
DetailsDemon Days: X-Men #1
Stormbreaker Peach Momoko’s new comic ‘Demon Days: X-Men’ (Momoko, Davisson, Maher) gracefully reimagines the story of the X-Men universe and characters in Japanese folklore. The beauty and culture of Japan enter the pages in comic form, breaking down a barrier between American comics and manga.
DetailsThe Royal Tutor
Heine is requested to come to Weiss Burg Palace, the home of the royal family, by invitation of King Viktor to help his four Princes to be ready to take the throne. Will this be a disaster in the making? Or will Heine open the eyes of each Prince? #Anime
DetailsAdding to its robust #anime arsenal, @Tubi secures seven series and six films from @ToeiAnimation for US, Canada, and Mexico including global franchise phenom #OnePiece!