For me, comics have demonstrated a form of communication that marries the linear sequence of typography with the global perception of an internet-like matrix of simultaneous parts. I really enjoy to expressing "why" comic books are important for all people. Earth is a diverse place and so are comic books.
Shatterstar #2
We enjoy violence in sports because violence has been commercialized in sport. We push away the one we desire the most, yet we desire to be accepted and loved. Shatterstar is a complicated character.
DetailsImmortal Hulk #8
“Did he who made the lamb, make thee?” – William Blake
DetailsInfinity Wars #5
There lays a secret, unseen, unfolded and powerful parallel dimension, burrowed in our brain. An entirely different path of thinking, which can be explored by applying certain measures. Different paths, infinity, infinity, Gates. – Johnnie Woods.
DetailsTony Stark Iron Man #5
“Play chess not checkers”. Great entrepreneurs are great chess masters. Arno Stark, a “Self-Made Man”, is a competitor with unique abilities and vision acuity skill set. The limitations are strategically placed upon each check-mate.
DetailsBlack Panther #5
There is a panther caged within my breast, but what is his name, there is no breast know, save mine, nor what it is drives him so, backward and forward, in relentless quest – John Hall Wheelock.
DetailsWeapon H #9
Weapon H has a rescue mission and will not have others compromise the purpose. His purpose may not be true reality as the agents of Roxxon may be in position to choose between the soul of one wicked queen and the lives of billions.
DetailsImmortal Hulk #7
“Many names hath GOD given him, names of mystery, secret and terrible… the destroyer, for his arm breaketh and grindeth to pieces, wherefore the fear and dread of him are upon all flesh, and the Avenger, for he is the anger of GOD, his breath shall burn up all the souls of the wicked” – Anna Kingsford “Clothed with the sun”.
DetailsInfinity Wars #4
Infinity Wars #4 is a transitional issue for not only to lead into a greater story, this also provides some imagination for a “What if” type crossover stories.
DetailsWeapon H #8
The devious Agger, CEO of Roxxon Corporation is expanding the company to tap into a new found energy source. Weapon H has no choice but to enter the magical realm of Weirdworld! He is joined by a familiar Hulk character; Korg.
DetailsTony Stark Iron Man #4
Tony Stark finally reconnects with the woman of his dreams. “Stung by The Wasp”, a love that has not been seen since Avengers #224!
DetailsShatterstar #1
A warrior must return to the future and fight his past, but his future-past may end to be his past-future.
DetailsBorder Town #2
El Chupacabra has crossed the border connecting the Aztec underworld to the real world and skull face Lord Mictecacihtli won’t have it! Blood is painting Devil’s Fork, Arizona as four teenagers’ fight monsters while facing social division with the local townspeople.