Forgotten Television: Voyagers!
We travel through time to help history along… give it a push where it’s needed #voyagers #meenopeluce #jonerikhexum #omni
We travel through time to help history along… give it a push where it’s needed #voyagers #meenopeluce #jonerikhexum #omni
DetailsStar Trek: Strange New Worlds
If you are a fan of The Lower Decks then I can imagine that this was a highly enjoyable episode. #startrek #strangenewworlds #lowerdecks
DetailsWhere Have All the People Gone?
How fast would society devolve into a kill or be killed kind of place? #wherehaveallthepeoplegone #petergraves #movieoftheweek
DetailsDead Man’s Gun
This was a great show with some really fine writing and acting and engaging compelling stories but it is rarely mentioned and oft forgotten. #deadmansgun #gun #showtime #henrywinkler
DetailsBoth these movies reveal death and betrayal within a small town. #isntitshocking #drcooksgarden #movieoftheweek
DetailsThree shows all vastly different and all pulling from medieval fantasy stories as the base for their stories. #mrmerlin #thecharmings #scorch
DetailsSatan’s Triangle
This is a fun little mystery horror movies from the 1970s with a good cast and an interesting plot. #devilstriangle #bermudatriangle #satanstriangle
DetailsThe Others
I heartily enjoyed the stories and the characters with all of them being likeable and relatable.#theothers #forgottentelevision
DetailsIndiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
It was nice seeing Ford back as one of his most iconic characters aside from Han Solo, but also a little sad too. #indianajones #indy #dialofdestiny
DetailsYou just hope that this isn’t the” Big One” that destroys your property or takes your life. #ashortwalktodaylight #thedaytheearthmoved #movieoftheweek #earthquake
DetailsIt has a very distinct 80s feel and ambiance, with a unique voice and sense of humor. #misfitsofscience #forgottentelevision
DetailsDame Edna was fun to watch and if you understood the humor, had a message as well. #pride #drag #LGBTQ #pridemonth #DameEdna