The Flash: The Final Run
The Flash
Iris and Barry (Candice Patton and Grant Gustin) find themselves stuck in a time loop where they both relive the same day over and over. #flash #arrowverse #grantgustin
DetailsThe Flash
Iris and Barry (Candice Patton and Grant Gustin) find themselves stuck in a time loop where they both relive the same day over and over. #flash #arrowverse #grantgustin
DetailsABC Movie of the Week
Hell is continually being given hope, only to have it ripped away leaving you more devastated.
DetailsAlthough these shows are all very different in time period, style and content, they all highlight the incredible talent of Black artists
DetailsViking Wolf
It is a werewolf film and it does involve a Viking back story but that is where the originality ends and the predictable plot and mundane storyline kicks in. #vikingwolf #werewolf
DetailsThe Ark
The first episode is interesting with some good action and intrigue. #theark #syfy
DetailsLegion of Super-Heroes
I enjoy stories that utilize lesser-known characters, and the Legion has some of the least known characters that are honestly quite absurd.#legionofsuperheroes #dc #dcanimateduniverse #comicbooks
DetailsWerewolves on Wheels
I enjoyed the film and thought the story had potential, but the execution needed some work. #werewolvesonwheels #motorcycle #werewolves
DetailsThe Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here!
This is a good candidate for Mystery Science Theater 3000 as it was so bad it was almost funny. #theratsarecomingthewerewolvesarehere #werewolves #mishkin
The series revolves around Elena and her coming to terms that she is the only known female werewolf.#bitten #stolen #kelleyarmstrong
DetailsWolf Pack
Not a bad first episode, but definitely disappointing when compared to Buffy! #sarahmichellegellar #wolfpack #edovonbelkhom
DetailsOn January 18th, the nominees for the 34th annual GLAAD awards ceremony were released, and in perusing the list, I am amazed at just how far we have come and overcome. #glaad #glaadmediaawards #34thannual #LGBTQ @glaad
DetailsThe Dunwich Horror (1970)
The first geographical and architecturally apt transliteration of Lovecraft.