South African father, technology, sci-fi, fantasy nut and lifelong comic reader..... my love of costumed capers started very early after a chance encounter with a spinner full of comics in a local convenience store. I am a fan of all things Marvel, Dc, and Image including X-men, X-force, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Saga, Hellboy, Wayward, Gen13, Nightwing, Sandman and many more.
ICYMI GIANT-SIZE Preview of TRIAL OF MAGNETO #3 ( out 10/20) S.W.O.R.D #9 and WOLVERINE #17 (both out 10/27) from @mymonsterischic @LukasWerneck @Da_Mess @ArtPaco @Al_Ewing @javiertartaglia @jacopo_camagni covers @delgaduck @ValerioSchiti @AdamKubert and more! #xmen #krakoa
DetailsX-MEN #4
In X-MEN #4 (Duggan, Pina, Arciniega, Cowles) is a solid Halloween holiday-themed installment that’s brought to life by an absolutely stellar art team whose work elevates the issue on every front!
DetailsChris Claremont teams up with artist Scot Eaton for a prelude to his original run on ‘Excalibur’ this February!
DetailsIn January 2022 SAGA continues as the bestselling and critically acclaimed series from Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples returns with a new story arc! #BrianKVaughn @FionaStaples @ImageComics #saga
DetailsDiscover the dangerous costs to clear Avery’s name in this first look at highly acclaimed new series DARK BLOOD #4 in October 2021 @MorganicInk @MoisesHidalgoo @AHGColor @andworlddesign covers by @val_delandro @juni_ba #JonboyMeyers
DetailsICYMI it’s NIGHTMARES and a war inside BEAST’S body in our GIANT-SIZE preview of Marvel’s X-MEN #4 and X-FORCE #24! from @GerryDuggan @Benjamin_Percy @coccolo_martin #javierpina on sale 10/13! #Krakoa
DetailsFrom the Writer of ‘DC Super Hero Girls’ Comes a teen who’ll rollerskate into your heart this November in GETTING DIZZY #1 from @SheaFontana @hellhoneyy @varavarus @CampbellLetters variant covers by @merkymerx and @ohcararara
DetailsDC Comics shares online character creator available from today in time for DC FanDome, October 16! Create your own hero or villain now! #DCComics #DCFandome #Superhero #Supervillian
DetailsCheck out this EXTENDED art preview of CHILLING ADVENTURES IN SORCERY #1 and the return of Madam Satan! FOC 10/11 on sale 3/11 from @eliotrahal @AmyChu @SpiritSonic @VincenzoFederi4 @derek_charm and more! @ArchieComics
DetailsJanuary’s X-MEN LEGENDS #11 presents an all-new story set during Louise Simonson’s run on New Mutants @LouiseSimonson2 @WalterSimonson
DetailsEXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Dive into the legend of the Black Panther in this new origin story in @Marvel’s BLACK PANTHER LEGENDS #1from @TochiTrueStory @Setorfia @ParisAlleyne @JoeSabino #BlackPanther
DetailsTHE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME 1-6 (series review)
ICYMI! @ImageComics’ THE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME brilliantly fleshes out the lives of its characters in deep & emotionally resonant ways while providing an incisive & fearless examination of the best & worst of human nature through a fictional lens.