South African father, technology, sci-fi, fantasy nut and lifelong comic reader..... my love of costumed capers started very early after a chance encounter with a spinner full of comics in a local convenience store. I am a fan of all things Marvel, Dc, and Image including X-men, X-force, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Saga, Hellboy, Wayward, Gen13, Nightwing, Sandman and many more.
ICYMI! Kate Bishop is back the New York groove in new miniseries from New York Times best-selling writer Marieke Nijkamp and artist Enid Balám coming this November! @mariekeyn #EnidBalam cover by @jaynoyl #Hawkeye #Katebshop
DetailsTop comic book artists celebrate the MCU’s legacy in six new variant covers this November! Covers from @manulupac @Muaadib @AdamKubert @@arthuradamsart @MChecC and #JoeBennett! #Marvel #MCU
DetailsDiscover an unlikely ally in issue #12 of Tom Taylor & Daniele Di Nicuolo’s highly acclaimed action series in September 2021! @TomTaylorMade @DiNicuolo variant covers by @toni_infante @merkymerx #SevenSecrets @boomstudios
DetailsHickman exits the X-Line but not before teasing several interesting bits of info about how plans change, the future of the X-Books, and the fact that he is working on Marvel’s NEXT BIG THING
DetailsValiant has teamed up with Kowabunga Comics to take you all the way back to 1992 with an exclusive and limited facsimile reprint of the original HARBINGER #1! @ValiantComics @Incredicow #Harbinger #StayValiant
DetailsICYMI! Here is your GIANT-SIZE Preview of MARAUDERS #23, WAY OF X #5, TRIAL OF MAGNETO #1, X-CORP #4 out 8/18 from @GerryDuggan @Fiorellilvan @sispurrier @RobotJQ @mymonsterischic @LukasWerneck @TiniHoward @AlbertoFoche #krakoa
DetailsHere is the first look at MAMO #3 the enchanting magical series by rising star Sas Milledge! Untamed magic is wreaking havoc in the town of Haresden @sasmilledge variant cover by @trungles #Mamo #BoomStudios #BoomBox
DetailsSelene is serving up fiery metaphors in this EXCLUSIVE preview of Marvel’s X-CORP #4 out 8/18 from @TiniHoward @AlbertoFoche @sunnygho cover by @davaja variant by @davizlopez #Xcorp @Krakoa #xmen
DetailsFREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2021: AVENGERS/HULK and FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2021: SPIDER-MAN/VENOM this August 14th for #FCBD from Marvel @DonCates @jasonaaron @RyanOttley @zebwells @therightram @Al_Ewing @THEBRYANHITCH @patrick_gleason @IbanCoelloSoria
DetailsCelebrate 10 years of Miles Morales and 30 years of Deadpool with your first EXCLUSIVE look at DAREDEVIL #34 anniversary variants from @Davizlopez and @robliefeld #Deadpool #MilesMorales #Daredevil #Marvel #comics #variant covers
ORDINARY GODS #2 ( @KyleDHiggins @f_watanabe ) is another intriguing installment in the series which doesn’t give too much away but brilliant character-focused art and writing will leave you wanting to know more! @ImageComics
DetailsThe finale of the INFINITE DESTINIES saga arrives this November in Marvel Comics’ BLACK CAT: INFINITY SCORE #1 as @jedmackay @Cfvillaart wrap up the current Black Cat run cover by @PePelarraz #BlackCat