South African father, technology, sci-fi, fantasy nut and lifelong comic reader..... my love of costumed capers started very early after a chance encounter with a spinner full of comics in a local convenience store. I am a fan of all things Marvel, Dc, and Image including X-men, X-force, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Saga, Hellboy, Wayward, Gen13, Nightwing, Sandman and many more.
Here’s your first look at ALIENS: AFTERMATH #1 as marvel celebrates the 35th anniversary of ALIENS by returning to LV-426 and Hadley’s Hope! from @Benjamin_Percy @DaveWachter and @SotoColor cover by @philnoto
PLANET-SIZED X-MEN #1 ( @GerryDuggan @PepeLarraz @martegracia ) delivers thoroughly on its namesake in an issue of jaw-dropping ambition in a stunning show of how far beyond the old tropes we have come as mutantkind continues it’s ascendance! @Marvel #XMen
DetailsZac Thompson and Germán García team up for KA-ZAR: LORD OF THE SAVAGE LAND this September from Marvel! @ZacBeThompson @GermanGarciaArt @_matlopes_ #Kazar
DetailsSteve Orlando and Cian Tormey redefine Marvel magic as the universe descends into chaos this September kicking off with DARKHOLD ALPHA #1 @thesteveorlando @CianTormey covers by @SavageSmallwood
DetailsICYMI: GIANT SIZE Preview of PLANET SIZE X-MEN #1, NEW MUTANTS #19, X-CORP #2 and DEMON DAYS MARIKO #1 from @GerryDuggan @pepeLarraz @martegracia @alexlinsart @definitelyvita @AlbertoFoche @sunnygho @TiniHoward @peachmomoko60 @ZackDavisson and more!
DetailsICYMI Bill Willingham’s FABLES returns starting with a six-issue spinoff miniseries from DC Black Label BATMAN VS. BIGBY and then a new 12 issue arc The Black Forest will kick off in September 2022 in FABLES #151! #Fables #DCComics #Batman
DetailsYour First Look Inside Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz’s ‘X-Men’ #1 which hits stands on July 7! @PepeLarraz @GerryDuggan @martegracia
DetailsX-Corp will NOT do business with nazis in this EXCLUSIVE preview of Marvel’s X-CORP #2 from @TiniHoward @AlbertoFoche @sunnygho cover by @davaja variants by @rdauterman and Alberto Foche #XCorp #HellfireGala #Krakoa
DetailsLarry Hama and Billy Tan bring you a classic new Wolverine and Jubilee team-up this September in X-MEN LEGENDS #7 from #Marvel #LarryHama #BillyTan
DetailsX-Men #21
In X-Men #21, the Hellfire Gala continues courtesy #JonathanHickman @NickDragotta @rdauterman @sarapichelli & announces the new team in a marvelous stylishly drawn issue filled a wide gamut of moods and hints of what’s to come… #XMen @Marvel #Krakoa
DetailsMarvel Comics writer Jed MacKay and artist Lee Garbett bring you the final saga of Doctor Strange this September! @jedmackay @LeeGarbett Cover by Kaare Andrews
DetailsIt’s Friday Fun as we chat to artist Kinho Anderson and show off his exceptional #HellfireGala sketch cards in the first installment of a new feature called TALENT WATCH where we spotlight and share the work of talented artists online!