South African father, technology, sci-fi, fantasy nut and lifelong comic reader..... my love of costumed capers started very early after a chance encounter with a spinner full of comics in a local convenience store. I am a fan of all things Marvel, Dc, and Image including X-men, X-force, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Saga, Hellboy, Wayward, Gen13, Nightwing, Sandman and many more.
High Fantasy Alchemy mixes with Aztec mythology this April in HELM GREYCASTLE from @HenryBarajas # RahmatMHandoko @BryanValenza @TopCow @ImageComics
DetailsBestselling creative duo David Hine and Brian Haberlin—who brought readers breakout hits like The Marked and Sonata—are back again this April with an all-new Cyberpunk adventure in JULES VERNE’S: LIGHTHOUSE from @HineDavid and @BrianHaberlin @ImageComics
DetailsX-FORCE #16
X-FORCE #16 is a superb atmospheric underwater caper that explores a threat born from within Krakoa itself and has fun doing it. #Marvel #XForce #ReignOfX @Benjamin_Percy @joshuacassara @JoeCaramagna #GurueFX
DetailsChip Zdarsky and Pasqual Ferry kick off a new WHAT IF era and bring you a tale of Peter Parker on the edge in SPIDER-MAN: SPIDER’S SHADOW #Marvel #WhatIf #Spiderman
DetailsHey bubs here’s the first look at unlettered art from Marvel’s WOLVERINE: BLACK, WHITE & BLOOD #3 coming February 10th, 2021 from @jfornes74 # JesusSaiz and @ShadeX6 stories will be written by @Doncates #JohnRidley and @jedmackay #Wolverine
DetailsRWBY/Justice League Combines the Popular Manga/Anime Series With DC’s Legendary Super Heroes in an All-New Weekly Digital First Miniseries from #DCComics and @RoosterTeeth #RWBY #JusticeLeague
DetailsKnull takes on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes including Blade and a vampire army in AVENGERS #45 from @jasonaaron and #LucaMaresca cover by @csmitharts #Marvel #Avengers #KingInBlack
DetailsThis February BLADE RUNNER 2019 VOL 3: HOME AGAIN, HOME AGAIN will bring the award-winning series to its thrilling conclusion this February! from @comicstitan #BladeRunner2019
DetailsDamian Wayne seeks his own destiny in ROBIN, a new ongoing series by Joshua Williamson and Gleb Melnikov! Series Launches April 27, 2021! @Williamson_Josh @GlebMelnikov8 #Robin Variant covers by Andy Kubert and Riccardo Federici #DCComics
DetailsCan the New Mutants find a lost child without losing themselves?? Here is an EXCLUSIVE first look at the April solicit for NEW MUTANTS #17 from Vita Ayala, Rod Reis as well as Christian Ward’s awesome cover @cjwardart #Marvel #ReignOfX #NewMutants
DetailsS.W.O.R.D. #2
S.W.O.R.D. #2 (@Al_Ewing @ValerioSchiti @martegracia @CommentAiry) manages to successfully negotiate being a massive event tie-in issue and be its own thing at the same time with excellent aplomb on all fronts. #Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsNew allies, new enemies, and new adventures for Jane Foster begin in THE MIGHTY VALKYRIES #1 this April! Here’s a first look at Mattia De Lulis’s art from issue 1! #Marvel @MattiaIulis written by @jasonaaron and @gronbekk