South African father, technology, sci-fi, fantasy nut and lifelong comic reader..... my love of costumed capers started very early after a chance encounter with a spinner full of comics in a local convenience store. I am a fan of all things Marvel, Dc, and Image including X-men, X-force, New Mutants, Teen Titans, Saga, Hellboy, Wayward, Gen13, Nightwing, Sandman and many more.
GHOST CAGE #3 (@NickDragotta,@calebandrew, @ruswooten, @frankmartinbox,@hermanos) is a fun but emotionally charged ending that balances heart, wild action and very relevant social commentary for a perfect ending to this wild sci-fi ride! @ImageComics
WOLVERINE: PATCH #3 (Hama, @Andrea_Di_Vito, @LebeauUnderwood, @SebastianArtist, Cowles) shows off the strength of Hama’s writing & the talent of everyone on the art team at bringing the story to life. #Wolverine #XMen #Marvel @MarvelComics
ADVANCED REVIEW! The Variants #1 (@GailSimone, @philnoto, @corypetit)is a glowing example of a story where the creative team understand the character, their history and her place in her own universe PERFECTLY! #Marvel @MarvelComics #JessicaJones
DetailsICYMI!!! It’s an issue full of stars as MIRACLEMAN gets a GIANT-SIZED 40th Anniversary issue featuring @neilhimself #MarkBuckingham @jasonaaron @tytempleton @RyanStegaman Cover by the mighty Alan Davis! #marvel #Miracleman
DetailsICYMI!!! Karla Pacheco and Pere Perez introduce a new Spider-hero in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #1, on sale August 3!! Meet SPIDER-REX on Leinil Yu’s awesome variant cover!! @THEKarlaPacheco @leinilyu
BLOOD STAINED TEETH #3 (@cjwardart,@patric_reynolds, Moore, @HassanOE) is a high-speed chase, blood-spattered affair balanced by smart, character writing and introspection handled perfectly by a creative team completely in control @ImageComics #ImageComics
AGENT OF WORLDE #1 (@DenizCamp, @FilayKenoby, @WordieJason, @HassanOE) is Time Cop crossed with 007 and X-Files if Hunter S Thompson wrote it while he was peaking on the strongest part of his LSD trip in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! @ScoutComics
DetailsOn September 27th writer Meghan Fitzmartin @megfitz89 and artist @rileyrossmo1 will continue Tim Drake’s story in his own ongoing series TIM DRAKE: ROBIN! @dccomics covers by @JorgeJimenezArt @Sweeney_Boo @_pryce14 @RLopezOrtiz @david_baldeon
DetailsWake Up to a Living Nightmare in a Post-Apocalyptic Retelling of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ this September 2022 in BRIAR from @ifyoucantwell, @GermanGarciaArt @_Mattlopes_ and @boomstudios! variant covers by @YanickPaquette and #JennyFrison
DetailsSEVEN SONS #1
SEVEN SONS #1 (Windom, Mao, Lee, Chung, Bowland) is a fascinating take on the idea of the second coming that merges several concepts into both an engaging mythos of its own & a meta commentary on the worst parts of modern religion @ImageComics #ImageComics
DetailsThe Marvel Halloween Comic Extravaganza returns this October 29th with 5 best selling comics in stores for old and new fans to pick up and enjoy!! #Marvel #Halloween
DetailsWhat’s better than superheroes? Superheroes in GIANT MECHA!! Here’s the new trailer, art, concept art, pages and covers for @DCComics DC MECHA #1 from @KenBlakePorter and @baldemar_rivas out July 26th! variants by @karlkerschl @Danmora_c @RLopezOrtiz