Daredevil #10: A Dream on Fire
Daredevil #10
Daredevil #10 suffers under the weight of the series’ larger themes but still delivers a fun and exciting story pitting Matt’s dream against the Avengers.
DetailsDaredevil #10
Daredevil #10 suffers under the weight of the series’ larger themes but still delivers a fun and exciting story pitting Matt’s dream against the Avengers.
DetailsSuperboy Man of Tomorrow #1
Conner Kent is back. But where does he fit in a world that moved on without him? @KenBlakePorter, @jahnoyl, and @LetteringBear start answering that question in the very fun Superboy Man of Tomorrow #1. #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsFantastic Four #6
FANTASTIC FOUR #6 delivers another scientific conundrum courtesy of @ryanqnorth @FiorelliIvan & @JoeCaramagna. Clever dialogue and fun art abound as the solution comes from the most unlikely of people. @Marvel #MarvelComics #FantasticFour
DetailsBlue Beetle Graduation Day #5
If Jaime is going to win his fight, he’s going to have to confront all his fear and doubt. @losthiskeysman, @Agutierrezart, Will Quintana, and @LetteringBear take us on that journey in Blue Beetle Graduation Day #5. #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsGotham City Year One #6
Gotham City Year One #6 is a thrilling, complex ending to a compelling hard-boiled mystery. @TomKingTK, @philhester, and the rest of the creative team will make readers yearn for more Slam Bradley & a resurgence of the genre. @DCOfficial #DCComics
DetailsBatman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1
Ra’s al Ghul wants to save the world and only Batman stands in his way. Batman One Bad Day Ra’s Al Ghul #1 (Taylor, Reis, Miki, Anderson, Abbott) sets in motion the latest plan from the Demon’s Head. #DCComics
DetailsLazarus Planet Revenge of the Gods #1
Lazarus Planet Revenge of the Gods #1 kicks sets the stage for the events big follow-up offering two stories with more potential than realized narrative, succeeding at what it set out to do. @GWillowWilson, @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad & @DCComics
DetailsFantastic Four #5
It’s science vs. magic in FANTASTIC FOUR #5! @ryanqnorth cleverly brings some hard science to the story. And if you’re wondering what that looks like on the page, artists Fiorelli & Aburtov bring some wild ideas. #MarvelComics #FantasticFour @Marvel
DetailsMurderworld Game Over #1
Who gets the grand prize? In Murderworld Game Over @JimZub and @rayfawkes deliver a desperate, personal, endlessly surprising end to Arcade’s murder spree and is further elevated by art from @nethodiazz, @LorenzoTammetta Matt Milla #MarvelComics
DetailsBlue Beetle Graduation Day #4
Blue Beetle Graduation Day #4 keeps the fun rolling. @losthiskeysman’s story pairs Jaime with one of his archfoes. The art and letters from @Agutierrezart, Will Quintana, and @LetteringBear is vibrant and expressive once again. @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsBatman: One Bad Day – Clayface #1
Is Clayface a villain at heart or just a small, self-centered jerk? @cpkelly, @JacksonLanzing, @Xermanico, @rfajardojr, and @TENapolitano deliver a surprising character examination in BATMAN: ONE BAD DAY – CLAYFACE #1! #DCComics @DCComics #Batman
DetailsSilver Surfer Ghost Light #1
Silver Surfer Ghost Light #1: Welcome to Sweetwater, NY a perfectly quiet town…until Toni Brooks accidentally awakens the uncle she thought was dead and draws the ire of the Silver Surfer. #MarvelComics