Writer of the Patricia Highsmash column. Former editor of Along the Chaparral, Future Earth Magazine & Platte Valley Review. Author of Us Living in Fictional Cosmogonies & There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles). Guest Presenter at Naropa University, University of California Riverside, and Harbin Institute. Former faculty, Shandong University. Director of short films, including low fruit.
Not enough people know that @katherinebrad12 brings to #Superman a mutability well known to comics fans, but infrequently seen by museum audiences. A Superman of lines, motion, femininity, flight, eroticism & possibility.
DetailsThe stories of @todgoldberg are cities, worlds & moments, illustrating the breadth of human crime from murder to life.
DetailsFinal Crisis came in the midst of @grantmorrison’s Batman run. Via Queen and Simon & Garfunkel, we’ll bypass with the stories of Batman RIP, The Missing Chapter & The Return of Bruce Wayne.
DetailsDread, sorrow & intensity make @therightram @CommentAiry @Dragonmnky & Rafael Albuquerque’s Detective Comics a lot hauntingly unique comic you can’t miss!
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: What is Narrative Pointillism or Channel-Zapping? What makes a Crisis a Crisis? Wait, there were tons of Crises before and after the first one? How does @grantmorrison, @TheDougMahnke & @JG_JONESfanpage’s Final Crisis stack as a Crisis?
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: In Five Ways to Read Final Crisis Pt. 4: The Facts, Ma’am we just read exactly what what @grantmorrison wrote, what @JG_JONESfanpage @TheDougMahnke & others drew! Only the literal truth, even if we have to make it up! #DCComics
DetailsLuda, a novel by @grantmorrison, is a playful terror of drag revue, panto play, shocking jealousy, glamour, magic, peep-toes & fragility.
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: Five Ways to Read Final Crisis: Danny the Avenue! Fairytales! Opera! Gematria! Let’s read sideways! Let’s go big & get weird! @grantmorrison @JG_JONESfanpage @TheDougMahnke #DCComics
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: Five Ways to Read Final Crisis: Non-Morrison Geometry! The scariest way to read this is everything not written by @GrantMorrison! It’s Perez, Starlin, & Rucka time! Huntress! Red Lanterns! The Question! Superboy! Batwoman! #DCComics
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: Five Ways to Read Final Crisis: Four Dimensions! What does a Final Crisis made only over the @grantmorrison tie-ins look like? Of the farthest realms & inside our guilt shaped by @TheDougMahnke & @LeeGarbett? #DCComics
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: #GhostHoax #Lurkers #NightmareOnElmSt #Rebecca #EkoEkoAzarak #AmericanMary #Gaslight #HushHushSweetCharlotte #Surveillance #AngelHeart #EvilDead When they lie to you. When they make you feel it’s you. Gaslighting is the scariest.
DetailsAnne Sexton & Barbara Swan recreated fairytales in Transformations, poetry & line art creating a bigger beast, but to learn from it, we must acknowledge its debt in abuse, in cruelty, in compromise and collaboration. #PatriciaHighsmash