The Fourth World iv: Want
Jack Kirby explored desire in Mr Miracle, hunger in New Gods, want in Jimmy Olsen. What is it to want? To be consumed with, controlled by, or to escape wants? #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #PatriciaHighsmash
DetailsJack Kirby explored desire in Mr Miracle, hunger in New Gods, want in Jimmy Olsen. What is it to want? To be consumed with, controlled by, or to escape wants? #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #PatriciaHighsmash
Details#UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies covers many beloved fictive universes & name creators, but approaching Toni Morrison? Vladimir Nabokov? Mary Lambert? Octavia Butler? Princess Diaries? A Different World? Doc McStuffins? Do our biases guide or only misguide?
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: @mfrost11 @DAVID_LYNCH @LeslilinkaG @Kyle_MacLachlan put together the mixed box of jigsaw pieces & old saws #TwinPeaks. We make a meal of it. #PatriciaHighsmash #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogenies
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: The sociopolitical concerns of @JackKirby’s #FourthWorld comics are vibrant & necessary today. #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogenties #patriciahighsmash
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: 30 years of aging characters in real time has affected @ErikJLarsen’s #SavageDragon, its audiences, its author & the minor panic attack I have each time something bad might happen to a totally fictional person I love. #PatriciaHighsmash
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: In New Gods, Forever People, Mr. Miracle, #Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, @JackKirby reached out to us, spoke to us, showed us. #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #PatriciaHighsmash
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: Tailored dreams. Genderqueer #Beetlejuice. #Godzilla vs Reality. What #NeonGenesisEvangelion & Hideaki Anno are really about & how it sells merchandise. #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #PatriciaHighsmash
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: Poetic, cosmic, philosophical, @JackKirby’s #FourthWorld comics introduced #Darkseid, Big Barda, Dan Turpin & taught generations to look for all relevant meaning. #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #PatriciaHighsmash
DetailsPATRICIA HIGHSMASH: #TheXFiles isn’t about policing mystery, but making a record of potential and hope. Also scary weird stuff and Lily Tomlin ghosts. @GillianA @davidduchovny @thexfiles #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies #patriciahighsmash
DetailsThe preferred title of Shoujo Kakumei Utena in English is now Girls Revolution Utena. A Girls Revolution is our revolution. #RevolutionaryGirlUtena #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies Thank you @chihochat @ikuni_noise @ohtori_nu
DetailsWhat about the half of William Goldman’s #ThePrincessBride which isn’t in the movie? What of #PrincessBride that is cut to make a good parts version? #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies
DetailsIf a protagonist is special, chosen, capable of miracles, what of the rest of us? #RevolutionaryGirlUtena #UsLivingInFictionalCosmogonies Thank you @chihochat @ikuni_noise @ohtori_nu