Writer of the Patricia Highsmash column. Former editor of Along the Chaparral, Future Earth Magazine & Platte Valley Review. Author of Us Living in Fictional Cosmogonies & There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles). Guest Presenter at Naropa University, University of California Riverside, and Harbin Institute. Former faculty, Shandong University. Director of short films, including low fruit.
The early 2000s! Birthplace of internet porn, another surge for the American empire, the years of Grant Morrison’s New X-Men! How do these come together to illustrate home, community, belonging and welcome?
DetailsExamining New X-Men Pt 10: Billy Joel’s Glass Houses. Grant Morrison’s New X-Men, the art of Phil Jimenez & Igor Kordey, and how seeking comfort, home, clarity and structure can shield us and lead us astray.
DetailsExamining New X-Men Pt 9-2: System Dynamics. Continued look at the systems which govern or manifest in New X-Men by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Igor Kordey & more! Class! Nationality! Religion! Politics!
DetailsExamining New X-Men Pt. 2: We Remember the Lies Commentary, NewsBy Travis Hedge CokeMarch 22, 2021Leave a comment Examining New X-Men Pt 9: System Dynamics. Systems fuel, frame, and are supposed in Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez, Frank Quitely, et al’s New X-Men. Generations, Arts, Nuke, Magneto, Max Ernst!
DetailsHow does Grant Morrison turn the X-Men into an engine fueled by hypocrisy and sensitivity? Examining New X-Men Pt 8 explores the hypocrites of the X-world and the hypocrisies of nerd culture, geek circles, our homes and minds.
DetailsLet’s look at the Xavier Institute & competing schools in New X-Men, before & beyond. Examining New X-Men dives into education, rhetoric, philosophy, practice & training.
DetailsAlisa Kwitney’s lively novel Rogue: Untouched explores the someday-superhero Rogue’s formative years with a careful, fun hand. #XMenMonday @akwitney
DetailsExamining New X-Men continues in pt. 6 with a close look at globalization, the War in Afghanistan, 9/11, minority neighborhoods, and the crisis of an evil Magneto. #XMenMonday
DetailsExamining New X-Men continues exploring Grant Morrison’s run with a look at cooperation and empathy. #XMenMonday
DetailsThe exploration of bodies, souls, and sexualities in Grant Morrison’s New X-Men continues.
DetailsExamining New X-Men pt 4 explores the intimacy of sexuality, soul, mind, and bodies. #XMenMonday
DetailsPt 3 of a close look at Grant Morrison’s New X-Men, we look at whether it was as new as was advertised, and what new means to a forty year old property.