Writer of the Patricia Highsmash column. Former editor of Along the Chaparral, Future Earth Magazine & Platte Valley Review. Author of Us Living in Fictional Cosmogonies & There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles). Guest Presenter at Naropa University, University of California Riverside, and Harbin Institute. Former faculty, Shandong University. Director of short films, including low fruit.
Tom Taylor and an array of visual artists’ X-Men Red has generated more than a few discussions and op-eds about viral ideas, terrorism, indoctrination, media saturation, bigotry, and fault. Most of them, most of us, want to see the threat as someone else, some other evil or manipulated person, but as Gabby puts it, even if someone made it that way, “The sentinels are us.”
DetailsGrant Morrison has appropriated throughout his career, whole pages, whole panels, lines from songs, a cache of styles and techniques applied to one scene or one book. He is, generally, fairly open about it outside of the books, it’s only within the comics that the appropriations are masked.
DetailsThey may be tasty bait for news outlets and your reactionary Facebook friend’s new they’re ruining everything post, but these are five things that get you all excited, maybe worried, and are forgotten a few years later.
DetailsAn interview with X-23, Supergirl: Being Super, and This One Summer writer, Mariko Tamaki.
DetailsThe hug and cup of coffee ethos and efforts in New Universe books, Squadron Supreme, and other mid-80s comics tested these waters, as well as The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen, and while this was now over thirty years ago, to be honest, superhero comics have not significantly matured since. The Unstoppable Wasp is out there being a forefront book, right now.
DetailsTurning on the question of what you can do to be more beautiful, more exciting, alluring, cool or attractive, my favorite thing about Marie D’Abreo’s Beautiful, might be how much it talks up to its audience, be that the child audience or the adult, and how easily you can, then, find reviews from adults, mostly parents, who lament the book was not preachier, did not have the ultimate answers to the ultimate questions, and that it did not dictate a lifestyle to their daughters.?
DetailsWest Coast Avengers’ debut villain, BRODOK, is a former rapist telepathic supervillain with a swelled head, but so is one of their teammates?
DetailsHolly Golightly is one of my favorite Sabrina writers, and the new show streaming on Netflix, while a more horror-oriented and less jokey version of the classic characters, seemed a perfect time to catch up with her and look back at a too-brief run from just after the turn of the century.