The Ninja Programme (NINJA-K #1 Comic Review)

For over a century, MI6 has honed an elite branch of assassins, ruthlessly effective,  as well crafted as a Hattori Hanzo sword, the last line of defense, the most well trained shadow army in existence, the Ninja Programme.  Now, an enemy from within is making lethal moves, and Ninja-k, aka Colin King, a fearless instrument of death, must locate and annihilate this threat before all is lost. 


Daddy Issues (Bloodshot Salvation #2 Review)

Ray was designed to be the perfect living weapon with the Governments project “Rising Spirit”. Injected with Nanites, he has become Bloodshot the Pale skinned soldier who has Super Strength, Speed and Endurance. He is able to shape shift,heal from almost any wound,regenerate and is a techno-path with the ability to speak to and control technology with a thought.
