Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 & More MCU Specifics Confirmed!

Marvel fans have long been speculating when James Gunn’s third installment to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise would be released and now, thanks to director/screenwriter James Gunn himself, we know when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will be released! 2020!Marvel Fans have long been speculating when James Gunn’s third installment to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise would be released and now, thanks to Gunn himself, we now know when Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 will be released.


Black Panther Demolished Presale Ticket Records!

You best believe the hype surrounding Black Panther, the latest Marvel superhero outing, directed by Ryan Coogler, and starring Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa!  Not slated for theaters until Feb. 16, but within the 24 hours of ticket sales going live, Fandango revealed Black Panther set a record and is now the bestselling MCU movie in terms of advance tickets sales!


First Watch: Diggle and Segovia Usher in a Staggering New Beginning for Valiant’s Shadowman!

Valiant is proud to present a brand-new look inside Shadowman #1, the first issue of the highly anticipated new ongoing series by superstar writer Andy Diggle (Green Arrow: Year One, Daredevil) and high-octane artist Stephen Segovia (Action Comics)! On March 28th, Fear of the Dark, the fearsome first strike in Diggle’s two-year master plan for Valiant’s supernatural icon starts as Jack Boniface emerges from the Deadside and returns to the haunted city of his youth, New Orleans, to head off the coming of a terrible new threat that will irreparably scar the Valiant Universe in its wake…
