Paizo, the gaming company behind popular roleplaying games (RPGs) such as Pathfinder and Starfinder, is one of the biggest vendors every year at GenCon. Spinning off of the Dungeons & Dragons company Wizards of the Coast, Paizo has made a name for itself in the world of RPGs. This year, the company has seen major growth in its RPGs thanks in part to Wizards of the Coast’s controversial announcements about its proposed changes to its Open Gaming License (OGL).
Currently, Pathfinder will be making major additions to its current Second Edition, dubbed Second Edition Remaster Project, with new core books coming out later this year and in 2024. I had the chance to speak to the Director of Marketing, Aaron Shanks, to talk about these upcoming changes and to give us a better idea of the popular Paizo games and how people can start playing.