Action Comics #1004

Superman has tracked down the missing Lois Lane, who was willfully hiding from him all along apparently? Lex Luthor managed to track her down somehow but Superman didn't despite being able to hear a song from 35 miles away, hm. The couple is reunited but Lois says she needs to be separate for Clark since Jon is with his grandfather in space.
Wow! We managed to go an entire issue without the Red Cloud killing one of her own underlings! Must be some kinda record! A pretty toothless issue that did nothing other than bring Lois back, not that that’s a bad thing, but was that all that happened? We had the slightest bit of action (in Action Comics no less!) in an attack on the Daily Planet by Copperhead, who must be new in town. We received basically nothing to advance the story and I would regard this as padding for a trade at it’s finest.
There were some funny jokes throughout to help distract from the fact this issue is just treading water and takes a couple minutes to answer a question I decided I didn’t care about 5 months ago.
That said, the art by Ryan Sook is phenomenal, especially the big panel where Superman and Lois kiss in the street. I was a little bit disappointed that he didn’t follow the model Yanick Paquette set for Clark Kent, which I loved. It seems pretty ridiculous to be switching artists this early in the series, and especially within a single arc, Sook is a radically different artist and it will show in the collected edition when you get a markedly different book from one issue to the next.
Final Thoughts
Worth reading if you're following Lois and Superman, but if you're following the arc and you skipped this issue you wouldn't miss out on anything you didn't already know.
Action Comics #1004: Where I Come From We Call That a Trial Separation
- Writing - 3/103/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 6/106/10