Amazing Spider-Man #17

Peter, Jonah and Robbie are trapped in Limbo by Chasm and the Queen of Limbo in this Dark Web tie in.
The demons of Limbo are operating a twisted version of the daily bugle with a pretty dim understanding of the reality of the place while Ben Reilly (Chasm) tries to get Peter to eat the soul stealing apple from issue 14 and regain his memories, which he thinks Peter stole.
This issue is an equal parts confusing blend of confusing, silly, fun and a little slow sadly. It feels a bit like mid arc fatigue as the story treads water a little in what until this point has been a fast paced event, not that I don’t treasure this panel of Jonah asking for tasty pictures of Spider-Man! The issue definitely falls into the pit of “character was sent to _______, read about it in _________!” without really having any momentum of its own.
Its unfortunate that the static setting and trapped nature of the issue don’t lead to much progression besides a moment between chasm and the Limbo queen, the characters are too preoccupied trying to escape for the story to advance otherwise and it’s a shame, as a standalone the issue is a delight.
I also was a little confused when Robbie was mentioned as also being there as he doesn’t isn’t shown once until page 17 and doesn’t have a line till page 18, and only appears in 2 panels in the whole book.
The art by Ed Mcguinness is stellar! I love each and every little demon and the demon sinister six is revelatory! I had such a fun time on every page and look forward to rereading this already.
The cover by JRjr is good but it feels really generic and not super tied into the issue.
Final Thoughts
I know I have some complaints but I really like this issue as a standalone and recommend it
Amazing Spider-Man #17: A Beautiful Dream
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10