Amazing Spider-Man #89
You know how you turn around one day and you start to see Christmas decorations and ask yourself “Where did the year go?”. I found myself asking almost that same question after reading this issue because you can definitely tell that the Beyond era is headed towards its final stretch, which is a shame because it’s been so enjoyable. Like “I’m totally gonna reread this every couple of years” good. In this issue we get more awesomeness from writer Patrick Gleason, who seems to be kind of the architect behind the Beyond era, so you’re automatically in good hands. We get more action from Goblin Queen, and a terrific B plot involving Spidey and Felicia that’s both laugh-out-loud funny and of the highest quality at the same time. For fans who miss Felicia in her own title, this issue is for you. We get a pretty detailed look into her mind and her feelings about Peter and can I just how freaking awful the Goblin Queen is? WOW!! There is a pretty special place in Hell where this “lady” comes from. Her defeat (if she CAN be defeated!) is gonna be pretty epic.
-Did somebody say epic? Good! Cause one of the top 3 Spidey artists of all time is here, Manly Mark Bagley!! No more adjectives, I promise. There are some magnificent pages in this book. Double page spreads that will leave you breathless and splash pages that are just flat-out jaw-dropping. Like almost every book that Bagley touches, it’s worth a separate read just to spend some time with the art. No, I will never shut up about Mark Bagley because he’s my all-time favorite, so you might just have to deal with it. Sorry, not sorry.
Final Thoughts
Wow! a non-stop take your breath away kind of issue that you're gonna want to read and then read it again a little while later. Basically, it's the Chinese food of comics.
Amazing Spider-Man #89: Oh Yes, it’s Ladies Night and the Feeling’s WRONG!!!!
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 10/1010/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10