Amazing Spider-Man #93

Is it closing time already? Wow, it seems like the Beyond story just started and now it comes to a close. First off, you’re getting ZERO in the way of spoilers from me. I don’t do spoilers anyway, but I’m going out of my way to not give you anything here because it’s best that you read this book with nothing in your head except what happened in the last issue. Author Zeb Wells is the perfect man from the Beyond creative team to write this issue, as he’s gonna be taking the reigns next month’s brand new flagship Spider-Man titled, not surprisingly, Amazing Spider-Man. Wells does a fantastic job in this issue of bringing things to a close without it being absolutely final. This issue has been three months in the making and it clearly shows. One thing that I’ve enjoyed so much about the Beyond era is that it was all plotted ahead of time. Each and every issue has been a chapter in this story and each and every issue has had a purpose and it’s all led to this. What a great way to tell a story, right?
Patrick Gleason is the artist of this issue, and he’s awesome, just as he has been for so long on this title. This double-sized issue is seriously twice the size of a regular issue, so Gleason has got a lot to draw, and one thing he doesn’t do is sacrifice quality. All the art in this issue is top-notch and is on par with Gleason’s best. This is a really fine book to look at!!
Final Thoughts
The curtain comes down on what will be a long-remembered era in Spider-Man history. These were the efforts of a creative TEAM. On behalf of web-heads all over the world, a huge thanks to all of them for keeping us so invested over the last three months.
Amazing Spider-Man #93: The Show is Over, Take a Bow
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 8.5/108.5/10
- Cover Art - 8.75/108.8/10