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American Gods: The Moment of the Storm #4 We Believe In The Paradigm Shift



Artist(s): P. Craig Russell & Scott Hampton (Story) Glenn Fabry & Adam Brown (Cover) David Mack (Variant Cover)

Colorist(s): Jennifer T. Lange & Scott Hampton

Letterer: Rick Parker

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Genre: Adaptation, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, Supernatural, Thriller, War

Published Date: 07/17/2019


As Laura is welcomed into the world once more and is granted the gift of life the Gods gather for the coming War. But what is to become of Shadow? As he continues his journey through the Underworld his life is weighed up and he is offered a choice. Deciding he wants it to just end he walks through a door and feels joy. Let the War begin.


I felt the setup of this issue was a perfect way to dovetail the events naturally and gave things a sense of perfect balance and closure for each protagonist. The ongoing drama of their intertwined fates were laid out clearly in separate narratives, with Shadow and Laura both completing their respective journeys and going their own separate ways, neither aware of the other’s decisions. All inter-spaced with the arrival of the Gods ready to make war. A setting that is expertly downplayed, even as it prepares to take its place as the impetus of the continuing story.
With the closing of this chapter it has fed the focus from Shadow and informed of the change of dramatis personae perfectly, allowing his story to be completed and the next chapter to build gradually. The depiction of the two main characters exiting the stage in different directions was not only a great payoff of the lead up, but was equal parts sad and joyous. Laura has her life back that was stolen from her to ensure Shadow followed Wednesday. And Shadow himself has gained some small measure of peace….for now.
As always the art was perfectly measured and richly detailed in background setting and organically natural surrounding structure. Skilfully drawing the eye into the scenery and giving it the feel of being a completely believable environment. The detailed pencil work of the derelict cottage Laura enters was perfect in it’s depiction of the ambience and neglect. In particular I was drawn to the craggy rock walls, as Shadow floats down on the river Styx. And the contrast of light against the dark foreboding shadows gave the scene its sense of eerie otherworldliness.
And yet at the same time ensuring the facial features only become relevant and delicately shown when in close up. And as the more important characters make their presence known, most notably the fantastic figures of Mama-Ji, Ibis and Jacquel, each were unnaturally real and fearsome in their way. The almost photo realistic imagery was evident in the faces of several of the main players and were almost distracting from the actual story.
And now the stage has been set it only remains to begin the battle we have waited for since the story began. As well meted out as this chapter has been I am now ready to see the result of all that Wednesday set in motion. But that being said the lead up has been perfectly balanced and well paced, especially this issue. Much like the last in the dream state of Shadow on the tree, this was always another visually tricky thing to imagine from the book. And here the gathering of the gods and their making ready for the final battle is a fair assessment of how things come together, both in terms of imagery and scripting. P. Craig Russell, Scott Hampton and Jennifer T. Lange are continually drawing me into this version of Shadows saga in the lead up to the finale of The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula Award-winning novel and hit Starz television series. Topped off with another ethereal cover by Glenn Fabry and Adam Brown, this is the best arc so far of the adaptation of a well loved and treasured novel.

Final Thoughts

I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a Gaiman novel adaptation this much since Neverwhere. For me this even surpasses the television show in many ways.

American Gods: The Moment of the Storm #4 We Believe In The Paradigm Shift
  • Writing - 8.5/10
  • Storyline - 8/10
  • Art - 8/10
  • Color - 8/10
  • Cover Art - 8/10
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