Annihilation Scourge Omega #1
So the final battle between the heroes of Earth, the villains of the Negative Zone and the monstrous armies of the Cancerverse is here! The Fantastic Four, Nova, Beta Ray Bill and The Silver Surfer stand on the front lines when the Sentry comes knocking to end it once and for all.
So, alright, here’s the thing….well all knew the series of one shots would be wrapped up by a single issue and that’s fine. We all know that event sequels typically suck in comparison to the original I mean Secret Wars 2 kinda set that precedent and whatever no big deal because they’re usually still entertaining anyways. Annihilation Scourge on the other hand started off so well as if it would be the one to shake the tradition of sucking and 99% of it does exactly that. But then you get to the end and it’s like they saved all the suck for a rush job done super sloppy.
The art is consistently bad despite having an extremely capable team behind it and a ton of the narrative is like reading a book on fast forward. If I’m not mistaken there’s even some heavy inconsistencies such as Beta Ray Bill who teleported into the Negative Zone using Lockjaw claiming he met with Franklin and Valeria to use their portal…which he didn’t, that was Nova.
While there’s some redeeming moments like Nova showing up with the New Warriors, Guardians of the Galaxy and other awesome faces…well then they’re immediately crapped on by more sloppy writing. The Sentry/Silver Surfer hybrid isn’t all that useful. Beta Ray Bill shows up all badass as to he expected but does nothing of note. Then we get a goofy ending where Nova sacrifices himself to save the day which is fine but it takes like a page to wrap up the entire thing. Plus I can’t buy that Reed Richards would fight the Scourge for months and never be able to figure out Nova was the key and on top of which the entire point of the Surfer/Sentry hybrid was to have the knowledge they needed to win and he didn’t have any at all.
I mean this isn’t Ultimatum or Ultimates 3 terrible but it sure ain’t any kinda satisfying either.
Final Thoughts
What started as a promising series ends with sloppy writing and rushed art, not a good look for Marvel.
Annihilation Scourge Omega #1: Well….Alrighty Then
- Writing - 5/105/10
- Storyline - 7/107/10
- Art - 3/103/10
- Color - 7.5/107.5/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10