Let me open my recap of what I consider one of the most quintessentially X-Men issues with a complaint: Bobby’s absence in this issue, after knowing why he’s not here anymore, hurts like hell. I know the whole point is to show where everyone is after those five issues focused on him, and Wolverine even recognizes the hurt in his absence by the end, but still, the message of “we are a family” that Wolverine himself reinforces at the end gets bittersweet with what happened with Bobby.
With this series so close to the unfair cancellation, I feel ambivalent about how every issue torpedoed his storyline and rushed some things, and this is no different. Nevermind that, the character work is brilliant: on Cecilia’s doubts and real vocation, where Northstar and Kyle are now and their healed and grown relationship dynamic, Gambit “all is a joke” attitude and Wolverine being just… a dad. Everyone has grown over this story and the writing here just shows it perfectly. Plus, the cover is a phenomenal one with a collage and punkish like style that fits a lot the X-Men “we’re margin” point, and the whole issue exudes a powerful message of choosing those around you and of what it really means to choose to be an X-Men (no matter who you are – mutant, Shi’ar, vampire), and we get to see that grow on these rejected characters who get together to… Karaoke. The art by Almicar Pinna is more punk than any art on this run, more focused on rough expressions, camaraderie, laughter, showing relationships and interactions in a quirky way, and it really fits this whole “X-Men meets B-series zombies and strangely lonesome alien they can relate to” storyline. It is, overall, a very sweet and very on point – even if also on the nose – issue, and it really rocks in showing marginalization day-to-day through a peculiar light: how you thrive and enjoy life with those you choose, your community who understands you, in the face of difficult things happening to you all the time.