Avengers #65

The Multiversal Masters of Evil are warring with the Avengers in the prehistoric past, but Doom Supreme has plans of his own, having secretly assembled an army of his variants. Mephisto also led an army of his own variants on an assault against Avengers Tower, where they are now engaged in an epic battle with the Multiversal Avengers.
Avenger Prime’s true identity has remained shrouded in secrecy…until now!
I was pleased to see the contents of Avengers #65 veer away from the large-scale theatrics of previous weeks. There is only so much consecutive flying and punching one can endure before losing interest, regardless of how entertaining it has grown to be. Instead, Jason Aaron delves into the backstory of his latest brainchild, Avenger Prime, freshly revealed to be a Loki variant of the rare, noble variety.
It cannot be purely coincidental that this Loki’s personal history shares DNA with the character’s 2021 live-action streaming series. Both narratives deconstruct the trickster god’s ego by forcing him to confront the existentialism of the multiverse. He encounters multiple versions of himself before being banished to an empty realm beyond space and time, stuck with the incredible duty of holding the timeline together in the face of a massive threat. There is a further nod to the MCU at the end of the issue, where Loki summons the 616 Avengers through a sparking ring portal, identical to the ones popularized by the Doctor Strange films.
Whether intentional or not, Jason Aaron undoubtedly juggles these themes and motifs better than the rather monotonous television show by focusing on Loki’s psyche and character growth.
Being a seasoned Thor writer, it is no surprise that Aaron has a solid handle on Loki’s voice, writing waxy and poetic monologues with enough posh sass and sly asides to keep things charismatic.
Javier Garron and David Curiel exceed expectations as always, their immense effort visible through the sheer number of locations and characters depicted. The issue is abundant in striking cosmic imagery, from Loki’s despair from flying into the sun’s flames to the cold blue expanse of the God Quarry. The issue’s highlight is, without a doubt, the charging army of Doctor Doom variants, each one with a unique design hinting at their rich, untold backstory.
Final Thoughts
Avengers #65 tells a familiar story of a villain who searches for meaning in the aftermath of his ultimate victory, executing the trope with enough unique flare to make for an engaging tale.
Avengers #65: The Secret Origin of Avenger Prime
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 6/106/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10