Avengers: No Road Home #5
As Hulk, Hawkeye and Rocket face off against Hypnos in Nightmare's realm the rest of the team fight Nyx and the rest of the fam in Omnipotence City!
A fun issue with some huge plot moving moments and the first time *redacted for spoiler* has appeared in a mainline Marvel book since his rights were regained by Marvel. The round robin narration continues and up this week is Scarlet Witch, who, not to be outdone by last week’s book and it’s deep character moments, stops mid fight to ponder Monica Rambeau’s humanity. Neat? The humor is pretty saturated throughout the issue but doesn’t feel overwhelming and just serves to contrast some pretty dark storytelling.
I do have one major nitpick with these last couple issues that no one else seems to have noticed, Omnipotence City was destroyed in Thor: Godbutcher and the Librarian was replaced with Shadrak the Mad: God of Bombs. Granted I don’t read every single book and it’s possible the city was raised to former heights and who’s to say a god who was murdered can’t respawn (maybe that’s why video games call it God Mode hahaha). I’m not knocking them but I hate it when continuity is ignored, and it puts a real damper on my enjoyment of the issue. The Library the last 2 issues take place in was burned to the ground! It was a huge plot point! Argh!
Ok, rant over, this series has been a whole lot of fun and place that fun square on team dreamland as I’m loving the teamup of Hulk, Hawkeye and Rocket. Hulk is weirdly comfortable in dreamland I wouldn’t mind a whole arc of Hulk taking on Nightmare, c’mon Ewing!
The art by Sean Isaakse was excellent as it has been throughout the series, Hulk in particular looked menacing as hell. I wouldn’t mind more Isaakse Hulk. The aforementioned Hyperborean Hero looked great as well.
Final Thoughts
Fun issue of a great crossover, if we could get even the slightest bit of explanation why the city is there and whatnot, I will like it even more.
Avengers: No Road Home #5: King of Dreams
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10