Batman Kings of Fear #3
Some kind of Monkey Paw literal nonsense results in Scarecrow going out on patrol with Batman to determine if he's insane, hilarity ensues. No seriously, that's basically the entire book.
Weird issue, basically Scarecrow follows Batman around all night and belittles his effects on the city, which I suppose could be him playing on Batman’s fear of inadequacy or whatever you would call it. It’s still hard to say if Batman is hallucinating or if this is real, Scarecrow said it was real, which means it probably isn’t.
My biggest gripe is Scarecrow felt very out of character with his constant joking and whatnot, although again this could be considered an effort to subtly undermine Batman’s psyche. There is one very odd cut when Scarecrow asks to see the Batmobile that could indicate this is a hallucination or could be an indication of sloppy editing, which this miniseries has already suffered from. (see: my first review)
The art by Kelley Jones continues to take me down memory lane and does feel like a solid slice of the 90’s, although it is important to note the droopy long ears bat-suit is my least favorite ever. What I’m saying is he’s fighting an uphill battle not boosted by nostalgia and I still think he’s doing a great job.
Final Thoughts
Really enjoying this series, certainly more than the main Batman title. Worth your time.
Batman Kings of Fear #3: A Night Out is a Night Out
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10