Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18
Think you know how Superman and Batman met and became friends? Think again! Read the untold tale of how their worlds first collided—and the stunning, secret loss that nearly destroyed their partnership before it even began!
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest has consistently delivered some great stories that combine Silver Age fun with modern art and storytelling. Mark Waid is carving a fun little continuity of his own from the world readers know and love. Something that should be appreciated is that Mark Waid loves these characters as well. He continues to give exactly what the title suggests: Batman and Superman at their best. This will be the first time that Travis Moore handles more than one issue. In this case, it is a two-part story exploring how Batman and Superman first teamed up. This issue is especially fun because readers get an early look at the thought process and investigating process of the World’s Finest.
The setting feels a little off as if this is taking place decades ago while only being a few years according to continuity. So far the series has done a good job of avoiding saying exactly when it is taking place. From a line Batman says to Alfred, we know that Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18 takes place during Batman’s first year of being the caped crusader. Batman and Superman’s suits are a lot of fun. They both are a combination of classic-looking suits while avoiding feeling campy or dated.
Travis Moore continues to be such a good fit for the series. His issues are always a lot of fun and welcomed. If Mora ever leaves the book, Moore would be such a great addition to take over. Sometimes you just want to see your favorite characters have fun, and Moore has shown readers multiple times shows what a talented colorist Bonvillain is. While she and Mora’s work has such a unique feel and look, the colors also shine here in Moore’s work. She brings the best out of whatever artist is working on the book.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18 is a lot of fun. Revisiting, or rewriting, the origin of how Batman and Superman met and teamed up isn’t necessary but it is a lot of fun. Readers might notice the absence of Mora, but by now know Moore is an incredible addition and adds a fresh take to the series they love.
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18: New Best Friends
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10