Batman The Adventures Continue #3

Batman has been mentoring Robin and Batgirl. Is it time to let them out on their own?
The first issue of this series was all set-up, reminding people of the universe where this was taking place and a little bit of characterization. The next issue, the creative team introduced some other players that lived in that same universe, just giving us a gentle reminder of who and what exists in the “Timmverse”, if you will. But in this issue, the adventures truly continue. Alan Burnett and Paul Dini open up the door to the universe and start using characters that for one reason or another they didn’t use before. In their defense, it would’ve been pretty difficult to explain the saga of Jason Todd in a half-hour G-rated cartoon. In the comic, they have a lot more room to work worth.
The focus of the issue is Deathstroke, who’s not really a villain, but it seems like he’s bound to become one. What I loved most about this issue was that it had what a lot of the animated episodes had-mystery. There are at least 3 mysteries going on here and even if we know the answer to one of them, it’s a real treat to watch the characters figure things out.
Art-wise, this book is in great hands because Ty Templeton is on the job!! He does such a great job drawing in this style. His style his so clean, yet he avoids making Gotham look like Gotham and not just a generic city with streets that nobody’s ever on. I’m particularly fond of his use of shading here, he gives the book a real mood that other artists might miss. I really can’t think of a better fit for this book.
Final Thoughts
Many people will label this a "kid's book". It is not. You'll enjoy it, it's got a smart on-going story that doesn't talk down to the reader. A really good book that is worth your money.
Batman The Adventures Continue #3: Death Warmed Over
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 6/106/10