Bishop War College #2

BISHOP FACES OFF AGAINST...THE X-MEN? What's a Bishop story without time travel? Shunted to a strange future, Lucas discovers familiar faces who will permanently alter his worldview. Meanwhile his students are in danger, and not just of failing his course. Helped by shocking allies, the anti-mutant organization Orchis has finally found a way onto Krakoa. Is this the end of the island?
What a day Bishop is having. He’s learning ways to adjust to his students just as the Fenris twins were discovered on Krakoa. But something’s gone wrong, and Bishop is on a multiverse adventure.
While the Fenris Twins, working for Moira McTaggered, prove to be the utter trash we know they are, Bishop meets a very different version of himself. Moira is after something deep underground in Krakoa and is willing to do anything to get it. But what is it? Your guess is as good as ours.
To sum things up. Bishop is an alternate reality, Tempo is MIA, and his soldiers are in trouble. Not only are they stuck underground, but their powers are being affected by the thing they got blasted with. Time will tell what Moira McBadGuy is after and why she paid the Fenris twins so much.
The comic splits its focus between Bishop, his new reality, and his team featuring Armor, Surge, Aura Charles, Cam Long, and Amass. But the split is uneven. The author wants to keep us in suspense about whatever Bishop walks into. The majority of the focus seems to be on Fenris. Twins and Bishop’s squad of mutants of various experience levels. It makes the story slightly unbalanced since the Bishop section is more exciting, and we haven’t gotten a chance to get to know all the characters on his team to catch our interest.
The art is great and does feel otherworldly, especially because Bishop’s artist and Krakoa section artists are different. It helps give each section its unique tone and feel.
Final Thoughts
Where is this going? I don't know. But I am fascinated to see where it goes. It's a fun time travel, multiversal shenanigan mystery, added in with a dose of "here's what Bishop's missing."
Bishop’s Off On A New Adventure in Bishop: War College #2
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10