Blossoms 666 #3

The Blossom twins have challenged one another to a competition. The challenge: corrupt Betty Cooper! The winner claims the title of Anti-Christ. But a mysterious figure has entered Riverdale, and he wants in on the competition-and the reward-himself!
We’ve reached the halfway point in Cullen Bunn and Laura Braga’s ‘Blossoms 666’ miniseries and the surprises just keep coming! After the shocking introduction of the third Blossom sibling Julian, the mystery deepens as Betty begins to unearth alarming new clues on what is happening in Riverdale.
This series has worked really well so far because of its willingness to both stay true to the horror genre as well as unravel an intriguing mystery at a satisfying pace. I’ve always thought 5 issue miniseries worked better than 6 issues because the halfway point feels like less of a chore. This issue is a great example of how the story can transition to the penultimate issue with relative ease and keep the reader’s attention with brisk pacing, despite being in a narrative position that can often become tedious.
There is plenty of dark mystery surrounding the third issue, but there is also an interesting pattern being established with regards to the true horror that I can’t help but draw attention to. For three issues now, we are given only a brief look at the violence or terror that drives the core of the horror in this story. This issue was a grotesque encounter in the woods. While other pages are filled with darker subplots and occasionally grim dialogue, there is always at least a page included that shows the series isn’t afraid “to go there”. I appreciate the initiative, but as we reach the conclusion of the story, I hope the creative team is able to delve just a bit deeper into the visual horrors that have worked so well thus far.
The most interesting component of the miniseries is undoubtedly the competition between the Blossom siblings though. With a new player in the game though, it seems like everyone is unsure about what will come next. As it turns out, the mystery that Betty is chasing will bring her right to Julian Blossom, who reveals yet another shocking development. He is seeking to bring both Cheryl and Jason Blossom down.
And he wants Betty’s help.
It looks like the sides of good and evil have been drawn. Now that we know Julian is trying to stop the twins from becoming the Anti-Christ, the last two issues will see him team up with Betty to hopefully prevent the spread of such evil. Although this is certainly a surprising shakeup for the story, it also helps to establish concrete motives for everyone involved.
The artistic direction has been solid all throughout and this issue is no exception. The heart of this story is in the interactions between characters, and their emotions are depicted perfectly. With vibrant colors and skillful lettering, the book is another quality addition to the series.
Overall, Blossoms 666 #3 is a great issue. It offers compelling developments and impressive artwork that is sure to entertain!
Final Thoughts
Blossoms 666 #3 deepens the mystery with compelling developments and an emphasis on character drama. Evil has arrived in Riverdale and this creative team isn't afraid to bring the horror!
Blossoms 666 #3 (of 5): One of You Will Become the Anti-Christ
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10