Mighty Morphin #18: Hey There, Kids!
Mighty Morphin #18
It’s Rocky & Matt’s Adventures in Babysitting in MIGHTY MORPHIN #18 by @MathewGroom @MoisesHidalgoo #RaulAngulo & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsMighty Morphin #18
It’s Rocky & Matt’s Adventures in Babysitting in MIGHTY MORPHIN #18 by @MathewGroom @MoisesHidalgoo #RaulAngulo & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsPower Rangers Universe #4
The pressure is on for the A47 Galaxy Rangers as they realize they cannot morph without draining their lifeforces away in Power Rangers Universe #4 by #NicoleAndelfinger #SimoneRagazzoni @iacono_mattia & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsPower Rangers #17
While Zack, Trini and Jason all have individual objectives, they all can agree: they need to do more. Check out our review of Power Rangers #17 by @thatryanparrott @MarcoRenna89 #WalterBaiamonte & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsMighty Morphin #17
An unseen villain from the Zordon era makes his first appearance as a new era begins in Mighty Morphin #17 by @MathewGroom @MoisesHidalgoo #RaulAngulo & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsPower Rangers Universe #3
#NicoleAndelfinger #SimoneRagazzoni @iacono_mattia and @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsPower Rangers #16
The Eltarian War is over in Power Rangers #16, but so is the fantastic @thatryanparrott’s run on the two series… @FranzMortarino @MarcoRenna89 @AnguloRaul @eDukeDW @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsMighty Morphin #16
The Eltarian War is coming to a close in Mighty Morphin #16 by @thatryanparrott @MarcoRenna89 @WalterBaiamonte #SharonMarino @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsOnce & Future #24
Once & Future #24, from @kierongillen @Danmora_c @TBonvillain and @eDukeDW, is not like any book you’ve read before. It’s like a myth wrapped in a story in a bulletproof vest.
DetailsPower Rangers Universe #2
Can the Phantom Ranger and this new batch of Power Rangers fend off Dark Specter’s forces? Find out in Power Rangers Universe #2 by #NicoleAndelfinger #SimoneRagazzoni @iacono_mattia and @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsMaw #5
The final issue of MAW is here! It will give you the answer to your questions, but approach at your own risk! You may not like the answers! @sadydoyle @alkcomics @FabianaMascolo @RedBirdLetters #Maw #BoomStudios
DetailsPower Rangers #15
The war rages on as the Rangers fight the Empyreals and Zordon confronts Zartus in Power Rangers #15 by @thatryanparrott @FranzMortarino @MarcoRenna89 @AnguloRaul @AntonelliniSara & @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsAngel #1
Angel #1 pulls off a nifty trick in balancing a refreshing new look at fan-favorite characters with characterization that is 100% spot-on. If you’re a fan of the show, don’t miss out! @BoomStudios @ifyoucantwell #DanielBayliss @teetov_ @Becca_See #Angel