Captain Marvel #15

Captain Marvel had 24 hours to kill five Avengers - and she's dangerously close to failing. Carol's plan was always flawed, but as she nears the endgame, those flaws are becoming fatal. As Vox Supreme's true plans for five dead Avengers emerge, it's more important than ever that Carol not fail today.
Part 4 of “The Last Avenger” is here and once again we find an action-packed spectacle loaded with intrigue, giving way to a potentially new path forward for Carol!
Captain Marvel #15 finds the latest arc from Kelly Thompson in a bit of a slow point narratively, if that’s even what you can call it. The action is still at a 10, but there really isn’t that much to develop within the plot outside of a revelation that Vox Supereme’s bombs are actually placed within Kree refugees. We had gotten a hint that this was coming in previous issues, but the confirmation sets Carol towards a path of hopeful vengeance against her tormentor. This is a great step for the story though and the importance of this revelation shouldn’t go unnoticed as it’s a turning point for the series and Carol.
The spark of hope gives this issue a worthwhile sense, and although it only takes a few minutes realistically to get through from such little dialogue, it still feels part of an incredibly substantial story that will have vast consequences in the coming years. Carol mentions that even if this does all work, she will be apologizing for the rest of her life and honestly, I can’t help but agree as a reader. She is in really deep in this story and the maneuvering she has done to save the Avenger’s lives might not be enough to gain full pardon for her actions once it’s all said and done.
The artwork remains absolutely stellar, however. While the script arguably slows down slightly in this issue, the visuals are just incredible. From She-Hulk to Captain America, Carol’s duels are a treat to look at even if they put you on edge just a little. This creative team feels like they are firing on all cylinders and not even a moments pause in the narrative can stop them from delivering a truly enjoyable issue.
Fans who have followed this arc so far certainly won’t want to miss out on Captain Marvel #15. This is a story that will absolutely cement Kelly and company’s place among the best Captain Marvel creative teams, but this issue in particular will definitely work more effectively in a collected trade format.
If you haven’t been reading “The Last Avenger”, do yourself a favor and go back to part 1 and catch up before the finale. You won’t regret it!
Final Thoughts
Captain Marvel #15 is another action-packed spectacle loaded with intrigue, serving as both a turning point in the arc and for Carol's path forward dealing with Vox Supreme.
Captain Marvel #15: I Have to Punch You Now
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10