Captain Marvel: Snapshots #1
The story begins with teen Jenni having an argument with her mom after getting in trouble for protesting for trans bathroom rights. Sneaks out after hearing some noises from the nearby shore to see superheroes battling alien submariners.
After the battle is over Jenni meets her idols, Ms. & Captain Marvel, and learns about the women’s issues when dealing with their own parents, and that having superpowers doesn’t mean that they didn’t go through their own share of growing pains, or issues where they transitioned from children into the women they are today.
Mark Waid and Claire Roe gives us a very heartwarming story about a young girl who’s in that fragile period where she’s transitioning from a young girl to a young woman, and is grating against her mother, who’s just not ready to let her baby go.
Interacting with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel, whose family dynamics are so different than Jenni’s, but they all seem to deal with growing pains. Whether it be Kamala’s overbearing, and very traditional Muslim parents, or Carol’s misogynistic and dismissive dad. Jenni gets to know that while sometimes it feels like it, she’s not the only one.
The issue is short on action, while the story is more of a throwback day in the life issues that aren’t quite as en vogue these days. Characterization is very key to this book, and Waid and Roe deliver. I was able to connect with Jenni, and empathize with her issues she has while trying to grow up. The script and art are a beautiful synthesis that convey the emotional beats, and the character of Jenni is fleshed out well, considering this is a one shot.
Final Thoughts
A comic full of emotional punches more than fisticuffs, it gives the reader a chance to peer into the lives of the superheroes through the eyes of a bystander that idolizes them.
Captain Marvel: Snapshots #1 - A Day In The Life Of
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 8.5/108.5/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10