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CATALYST PRIME: 7 DAYS #4 : Whatever It Takes



Artist(s): Jose Luis and Jonas Trinidade

Colorist(s): Michelle Madsen

Letterer: Saida Temafonte

Publisher: Lionforge

Genre: Sci-Fi, Superhero

Published Date: 01/15/2020


Heroes rise to stand against the Khrelan but will it be enough? As the world feels the pressing crush of the end approach, some lose hope, some question their abilities while others gain new abilities and some choose to do what must be done to try to stop the onslaught no matter what the cost or sacrifice...


The cast expands even further as Gail Simone introduces even more of the Catalyst Prime universes heroes into the fray. Juggling such a large cast of characters is never easy but Simone manages this with perfect aplomb.

It’s an emotional see-saw of an issue which for the most part examines its characters and the emotions that many of them are going through with meaningful and emotional dialogue between the cast as Simone examines the human condition through these characters. We get to see characters at their best and some at their emotional and physical wit’s end. There are some revelations too as we learn some very interesting things about the Khrelan and it’s relationship to humanity as well as characters who have seemed incidental up until this issue come into power.


One of the things that makes this issue and all the issue’s so compelling to me is Simone’s treatment of LGBTQA relationships… There are several in this issue and they are matter of fact and organic, they feel perfectly natural and I really love that. They are part and parcel of the storytelling. Seeing this done in what is very much a mainstream superhero book is a testament to Lionforges mission statement of inclusivity as well as a shining example to other comics companies of how inclusivity can be a wonderfully natural part of superhero storytelling and that’s a big part of why I love this series.

The action is never forgotten either and yes while this issue is more talk than fight for the first 20 odd pages (and its good talk not merely page filler) there is definitely some exciting action.

This is provided in the form of a team called the Incidentals who have a plan and take the fight to the Khrelan. Once again the art team of Luis, Trinidade and Madsen are on point. Every page is beautifully drawn inked and colored, there is wonderful emotion conveyed through the art… an example is having Lorena “put on a brave face” for her heroes then slump in the next panel. Back to the action the paneling is superb and so are the angles in the fight scene which are dynamic and never seem static. I may have said this before but the art on this book really captures the feel for me of the glory days of my comics youth: books like Wolfman and Perez’s New Teen Titans always comes to mind when I am reading an issue of this series and I really enjoy that.

This book isn’t short on plot points either and letterer Saida Temafonte makes sure the lettering of Gail’s writing fits very well with the art and imagery while never overwhelming the power of the image. Stjepan Sejic’s cover is again a work of art with a gravitas that really captures the mood of the issue.

Final Thoughts

Issue #4 of this CATALYST PRIME: & DAYS is a packed bag of revelations, strong emotional character writing and action that is an absolute masterclass in inclusive storytelling that engages you from the first to the last page.

CATALYST PRIME: 7 DAYS #4 : Whatever It Takes
  • Writing - 10/10
  • Storyline - 9/10
  • Art - 9/10
  • Color - 9/10
  • Cover Art - 9/10
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