Matt forces the Crime Families of New York to make a deal with the Devil, as the Beast Spews his poisonsous mist to cover the city. Mayor Murdock continues in this issue.
Daredevil # 603
Writer: Charles Soule
Artist: Mike Henderson
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist: Chris Sprouse & Karl Story & Marte Garcia
Editors: Devin Lewis Assistant Editor: Emily Newcomen
Publisher: Marvel Comics
What You Need to Know:
Matt Murdock is Daredevil, but Matt Murdock through a strange also the Mayor of New York City. The Ninja Cult known as the Hand has the city tied up in terror, and it is up to the acting Mayor Matt Murdock to stop it.
Matt tracks down some old friends and colleagues, even his old Flame Elektra. Although she is reluctant to help Matt is able to bribe her and appeal to her favorite sensibility, revenge. He swears that if she stays to help the city he will tell her who enslaved her mind at one point. She says he is lucky that she loves killing the Hand so much, and she is in!
Elektra and Matt handle the Hand ninjas and they strike a bargain to help protect the city.
Matt calls Foggy, his former Partner in Law, and current chief of Staff, and he discusses that he has made two questionable decisions that Foggy isn’t going to like. First Elektra and second, Matt has asked the Warden at Ryker’s Island to assemble all the head of the Crime Syndicates into a single room for a conference call. In order o protect the citizens from the Hand, Mayor Murdock will order their release. Hammer Head is oh too eager to accept, even though the others are not convinced. A deal is struck with the devil, and they are released to protect their neighborhoods.
What You’ll Find Out:
Meanwhile, the Beats stirs in the shadows of New York. The minion tells the Beast that the time has come and that he is now ripe for the release of the mist he has been festering. He does and it spreads throughout the city, enveloping both man and building alike.
What Just Happened?
Sam, and Matt are on the roof and Foggy appears to discuss their plans. Foggy protests the conditions of the rooftop meeting, and as he does Matt has become susceptible to the Green mist that the Beast has spewed. His enhances senses worked against him on the rooftop, and Stephen, Blindspot, and Foggy take him inside unconscious.
Traveling outside in the Green Mist, there is a figure is a heavy suit that is navigating the clouded streets. He knocks on the door and asks to be let inside.
The man is Father Jordan, a priest known to be a member of the Ordo Draconum or Order of the Dragon, and he has come to help Matt Murdock.
Rating: 8.5/ 10
Final Thought:
The Beast finally enacts his plan to take over the city, and reach Matt Murdock. With Elektra back in the picture can things go as bad as the Greek Tragedy that bears her name. Things are getting good in this Superhero Political Drama. The Art of Henderson is a refreshing take from the previously darker moments in this Arc, and in this day and age of comics a story that takes more than three issues to complete that does not lead to a Huge Crossover is welcome at best. Without a Doubt, Soule is devising a new way to torture our good hero, and I for one will be along for the ride! Enjoying the art, and the dialogue, but I just felt the part where he releases the Crime Family bosses was a bit Anti-Murdock, and his fierce love and protection of the law.
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