Daredevil #16

Matt Murdock is no longer Daredevil. Instead, he fights crime with Elektra using a generic black costume. They're trying to figure out who attacked the Kingpin and just how to stop them from getting a stinger hold on Hell's Kitchen.
This issue of Daredevil was really well done. It’s not one that has a ton of action, but it had enough to satisfy it’s readers, what it does have is resolution and new beginnings. Both are things that we’re all experiencing this time of year.
Nolan Woodard is a name that you probably don’t know, but you should learn it, and do so quickly. It’s been a long time since the coloring of a book has made me actually stop reading the book and go “oh man, that looks GREAT!”. But in this issue, that’s exactly what happened. He’s the first guy I’ve seen that consistently colors outdoor scenes different than indoor scenes, sometimes doing so in the same panel. There’s a panel this issue where Daredevil (in his Trial of the Incredible Hulk costume) is leaping out of a window, and it looks like he’s leaping into a fire until you realize that it’s the city lights coming from below the window. Not only that, the room he’s leaping from is shaded differently and the buildings that are taller than the perspective we have are giving off yet another shade of light, but nothing in the panel clashes or overtakes anything else color-wise. It is, simply put, beautiful.
As per usual, the writing and art are excellent. Author Chip Zdarsky focuses a lot this issue on Matt & Elektra’s relationship and how no matter how simple it may appear to be, it’s always complicated. They’re both pretty toxic for each other, yet there is deep love between them that really refuses to be broken,
Artist Jorge Fornes is allowed to stretch his legs this issue, he draws a lot of different people in a lot of different places doing a lot of different things. His simple yet detailed style is one that I always enjoy and he fits this book perfectly.
For my money, Woodard really steals the spotlight this issue. Make sure and pay special attention to the coloring when reading this book. Actually, you won’t have to, it’ll command your attention.
Final Thoughts
A great read! Zdarsky does a lot of storytelling with very few words. Add to that Fornes' excellent art and Woodard's amazing colors, and you've got one great comic.
Daredevil #16: Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10