Dark Agnes #1

The character of Dark Agnes has had a long and sorted history within written works. Beaten by her father, escaping an arranged marriage, trained to the sword, and crafted into one of the finest mercenaries in France, Dark Agnes has a legacy in the world of Conan the Barbarian that she strives to live up to in her debut stand alone.
I’m just going to say it right out of the gate, can we get a Villiers comic?!
I was immediately and unabashedly in love with this comic. The setting, the dialog, the story, the characters, the whole shebang. If your looking for a dark, gritty comic about the series material then this may not be for you. It has its moments of dark, Dark Agnes is a character with a tragic backstory that molds her into the woman she is today, but the comic constantly plays her off the Villier, the comic relief, to create engaging dialog and hilarious situations.
Having known the character of Dark Agnes from the Conan Serpent Wars comics, I was afraid that her patter and demeanor would be similar to that of her back and forth with the noble barbarian himself, but her relationship with her comrade Villiers makes for an engaging back and forth and speaks volumes to the talent of Becky Cloonan. Cloonan has a long history with comics, and it shows in her depth and grasp of character development. I can read a whole series and feel that I know a character less than I know Dark Agnes after just one issue and with Luca Pizzari on art, I believe we have a formula for success that I cant wait to see maturate.
Final Thoughts
Loved it and wouldn't change a thing. I cant wait for issue #2!
Dark Agnes #1: You Will Remember Me
- Writing - 9.5/109.5/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
- Color - 9.5/109.5/10
- Cover Art - 9.5/109.5/10