Batman #87: Design School
Batman #87
Batman #87 (Tynion IV, March, Morey) continues to bring readers a familiar Bat-story and although the shift in art team is jarring, still manages to pull off a highly proficient issue.
DetailsBatman #87
Batman #87 (Tynion IV, March, Morey) continues to bring readers a familiar Bat-story and although the shift in art team is jarring, still manages to pull off a highly proficient issue.
DetailsWonder Woman #750
The landmark Wonder Woman #750 (Orlando, Merino, various) has arrived, and it couldn’t be a better celebration of the iconic character!
DetailsNightwing #68
Nightwing #68 (Jurgens, Cliquet, Moore): Sometimes in an issue like this it’s quality over quantity and a concrete move towards Nightwing being Nightwing again is exactly what the doctor ordered.
DetailsIt’s the Flash versus King Cold – FINAL ROUND!! in Flash #86 (Williamson, Sandoval, Taragona), the conclusion of “Rogues’ Reign!”
DetailsWill Robin succumb to his own worst instincts and ascend to become the Other? Will Roundhouse gain his redemption after his misguided betrayal? Find out in Teen Titans #38 (Glass, Chang, Hanna)!
DetailsThe Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #2
The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #2 (Lemire, Cowan, Sienkiewicz, Sotomayor) is a wild ride in the wild west thanks to an amazing creative team. A lot of questions are still being raised, but issue #2 provides enough action to tide you over until the next issue.
DetailsLegion of Super-Heroes #3
The future is starting to come apart at the seams in Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (Bendis, Sook, Moore, Bellaire) as interplanetary war begins to percolate amidst the search for Aquaman’s trident! All this and Robin, too – who is NOT welcome!
DetailsHawkman #20
Hawkman #20 (Venditti, Pasarin): With such great writing and even better art, Hawkman still remains one of the more underrated DC releases today.
DetailsAction Comics #481-483
Ancient History makes a triumphant return with the slamming sedan soaring the skies with speed, strength and stuff liftingness! The Supermobile, as seen in Action comics #481-483 (Bates, Swan)!
DetailsRed Hood: Outlaw #41
Red Hood: Outlaw #41 (Lobdell, Messina, Lokus): Directionless and adrift, if it weren’t for the art, this book would rate far lower than it already is.
DetailsHarley Quinn and Poison Ivy #5
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy #5 (Houser, Melo, Morales, Hi-Fi, Downie) proves to be the best entry yet with a thoughtful and heartfelt exploration of the relationship between these iconic characters, setting up a classic finale you won’t want to miss.
DetailsThe noose steadily tightens in “Lois Lane” #7 (Rucka, Perkins, Eltaeb) as Lois slowly zeroes in on who put out a contract on her life! But steadily-mounting tensions between her and the Question threaten to derail everything…